Just did the morning drop off. It’s going to rain so I did my wet hair technique. It has taken me years but it will dry into a nice messy wave. I’ll blog at some point on those products.

Right in front of the school I slipped on ice on the sidewalk and slid INTO THE STREET. Thank goodness no car was there because there is no cross walk there or anything.
I fell on my knees and my right wrist. I can tell I’m gonna feel my wrist later.
Jeans are Mossimo High Rise Skinny. I got these a couple months ago. They’re my absolute favorite. I hear they’re flattering too. Ask Dave. :p
It’s wicked dark out and it’s 9am. So you get two!
Shirt is another I made. This is another Tilly and the Buttons pattern. The Mimi blouse I think. It has princess sleeves which are my favorite ever.
So I used to be known for loving an accessory. This is my favorite accessory.
That’s my attempt at duck lips. Haaaaaa.
It just looks like I’m gonna sneeze!
When I came home I sat on a yogurt tube my daughter left on the couch. I’m telling you the glamour never stops!