I lead such a glamorous life now. Yesterday I spent an hour staring at my grandmothers washing machine trying to figure out what was wrong with it. She said it was broken but wasn’t too clear on the reason. I stood there and felt pipes while talking to my dad trying to guess what was wrong. We decided neither of us are washing machine repair people.

My memory from yesterday. She wasn’t even quite two there. She’s still exactly the same. I do it MYSELF. She was the only infant trying to dress herself I swear. The child is determined.
Yup literally standing in front of it. I probably should of found a chair.
And we hung out and took selfies. Eliza loves to take a selfie. I constantly find random ones on my phone.
And Eliza played with Gram. Watching an 88 year old ansb5 year old play is hilarious. They’re both impatient and easily bored.
My memory from yesterday. She wasn’t even quite two there. She’s still exactly the same. I do it MYSELF. She was the only infant trying to dress herself I swear. The child is determined.