Getting crafty for Christmas
We've spent the past week making stuff to hang in the house for Christmas. I want Eliza to have fun memories of a decorated house. It was one of my favorite things about Christmas as a kid. All the decorations!

When she woke up from her nap it was on the wall. She was so excited picking ornaments to put on. She kept yelling

We made an advent calendar. It was only a couple days late. ;)
"STICKAH" she is developing an accent and we aren't quite sure who it's from. Ha.
It was a true labor of love. It would of been much cheaper to buy something but I hope she loves it for years to come.
I made us a Christmas bunting from vintage fabrics. Well technically the one above was a gift for a good friend of ours who was a jerk and moved away. (I kid. Well kinda.) then I decided I wanted one for us. So I made one just like it with blue on top.
Mid tree decorating. I will get a proper photo in daylight.
Again not ours but similar.
We had a nice weekend spent entirely indoors which will be the norm now that winter decided to show up. What a jerk he was late and then came in with a bang. No gentle fall transotion.
That's OK Dave and Eliza found a way too cope.
I have nominated you for the Liesbster Award, check it out if you are interest.
xx- Faces By Cait