Firmoo glasses
The very nice people behind contacted me asking if I would like to try out their service. Firmoo is an online glasses store. They have a ton super affordable glasses options under $40! My glasses are always so expensive due to my funny rx. I was so thrilled at the idea of a pair of glasses for $40. I was asked to pick a pair and let them know which ones and I would have a voucher for them.
I am extremely satisfied with their arrive. I would highly reccomend them to someone who wants affordable glasses and $60 total for glasses that are also sunglases! I notice on their site right now they are having a 50% off sale!
I chose these.
They were kinda funky and something I'd normally be too scared to try because they were bold. I added on the $22 service to make them photocromatic. That's is where they change to dark in the sunshine.
Ordering was easy and quick and shipping was shockingly quick too. They arrived from china within the week.
First impression was good they came with a hard and a soft case and a small screwdriver and a cleaning cloth.
One thing to note is that in the car they don't turn totally dark due to the uv blocking of the car windshield.
Out in the full sun at the beach.
Ok I added this one just because she was so cute at her first visit to the beach.
After being in the house for a minute or two.
Five minutes later. Back to normal.
I was very nervous to buy glasses online. I have a notoriously sensitive head and always need my glasses adjusted a ton of times. I exaggerate not, they were perfect out of the box. People really like them too.
In the need of some new glasses or sunglasses? Go check them out!