Things change and that is OK
You hear a million quotes about having a baby. One I am guessing that has never been uttered is "nothing will change, your life will be the same"
I know this. I went into this willingly. I am not complaining, quite the opposite really. Heck I did fertility treatments. I WANTED this. I just look at it sometimes and have to giggle how much things change.
Who is a fill up your online cart and let it sit person? Only to never buy it or to use it as a "wish list" and eventually buy a thing or two on it? Raise your hand.
(click to enlarge. I know it came in kinda small huh?)
Our family Amazon cart has stuff saved in it from 5 years ago. It has a little bit of everything in the "save for later" section. I was on there today and my cart as it stands today made me laugh. Do I need all of it. Probably not. Will I buy some of it. Maybe eventually. (I will the waterproof pad for sure) But it just made smile to see how even before she is born something as simple as "playing on the internet throwing things in a cart" has totally changed from say 6 months ago.
That's OK. I like this change.
While I have you here.
What are your newborn MUST HAVES? Any category? I love reading people's opinions on this. You never know when you are going to find a total gem of advice.
The mitts were recent advice from someone. She said how babies like to pull their mittens off so those mittens above are ones with little Velcro tabs so tighten them on so they can't take them off. Genius right? I haven't pulled the trigger due to price. But they sit there to remind me how smart they are.
I know this. I went into this willingly. I am not complaining, quite the opposite really. Heck I did fertility treatments. I WANTED this. I just look at it sometimes and have to giggle how much things change.
Who is a fill up your online cart and let it sit person? Only to never buy it or to use it as a "wish list" and eventually buy a thing or two on it? Raise your hand.
(click to enlarge. I know it came in kinda small huh?)
Our family Amazon cart has stuff saved in it from 5 years ago. It has a little bit of everything in the "save for later" section. I was on there today and my cart as it stands today made me laugh. Do I need all of it. Probably not. Will I buy some of it. Maybe eventually. (I will the waterproof pad for sure) But it just made smile to see how even before she is born something as simple as "playing on the internet throwing things in a cart" has totally changed from say 6 months ago.
That's OK. I like this change.
While I have you here.
What are your newborn MUST HAVES? Any category? I love reading people's opinions on this. You never know when you are going to find a total gem of advice.
The mitts were recent advice from someone. She said how babies like to pull their mittens off so those mittens above are ones with little Velcro tabs so tighten them on so they can't take them off. Genius right? I haven't pulled the trigger due to price. But they sit there to remind me how smart they are.
more than one extra set of sheets & mattress cover. at 2am after the 2nd time he's wet the bed you don't want to have to do laundry.
he wore his mittens up until about 3mos and he still scratches himself. but they worked fine.
lots of burp rags and bibs. you can never have enough.
Anyway, newborn must-haves:
-Moby wrap
-Tee shirts that open in the front kimono-style
-Swaddling blankets and swaddlers
-A swing
-A pump and bottles (since I breastfed)
-Pack and Play with bassinet and changing table feature (we didn't plan it but she slept in that in our room the first few months)
-Legwarmers/babylegs (wear with a tee and it makes diaper changing super easy)
-2-3 sheets so one or 2 can be in the laundry and you're not SOL
Baby nail clippers (got 3 pairs at my shower and loved having 3 - one in her room, one in ours, one downstairs)
-Trumpette baby socks (the ONLY ones that stayed on her feet)
-Burp rags and bibs (at that age the tiny cute bibs are great as they only gather drool)
They'll give you this at the hospital, but guard the nose-sucker bulb with your life. The ones you buy in the store DO NOT COMPARE.
Sal x