We had a nice Christmas in our house and the other 3 houses we visited over 24 hours. Lots of laughs, good food and nice presents. The MO this year was useful. Lots of useful presents which was awesome. With a baby coming I don't need more stuff and everyone seemed to be of same mind set. Wee got a nice donation to her college fund from grandpa in lieu of gifts for us and it was so appreciated and a little scary. Dude school is expensive! I'm gonna teach her the wonders of state schools (like mommy went to!) along with her ABC's.
Wee also got some amazing homemade gifts from near and far. Even one from a complete stranger!
The bib were made by my mom we got a whoe set of them. The carving is made by my stepdad. It's amazing right??? It's from a Magnolia tree he had to cut down because it was dying. He left the bark on the back.
The apron and sweater were both made by Wee's "Auntie Em". I don't have siblings but Wee will have a large extended family of love relatives. Isn't the sweaters the cutest little thing ever? It's SOOO soft too.
Now this is the gift from a "stranger" she's isn't really. Gram has known her for a million years. I just don't know her. Or I met her when I was little and don't remember. How sweet was that of her?!
The kid isn't even born and she's already spoiled :) she also got a itty bitty leopard print sweater that looks just like one of mine and a fancy French toy from her Auntie Heather. Lots of cutie clothes from grandma and Auntie Em. I got a prenatal massage from Dave. Which I did today and it was amazing! Wee was kicking up a storm which is unusual for her so I think she liked all the calm music and rubs!
I also got some camera equipment for my camera, as you may of noticed ;) a
remote, a
toy lens and
And there is also something super surprising under the tree.....

insane kickass boots from Dave. It was all him! I didn't pick them out at all. He got them on sale too! Who gets Fryes on sale!?! I love that man. They're from JL Coombs in NH if your local and looking for Fryes on sale! They are super sturdy for "running after a baby" and slip on without having to pull on them. They are little shorties. Expect to see on me soon.
I can't stop playing with my little cheapy stylus on my iPad I got in my stocking. It makes editing photos on iPad so fun?
I hope you all had an amazing holiday no matter what you celebrate. What was your favorite gift you gave or recieved?
The favorite gift I gave was the digital frame I gave gram filled with picture of me, pop and her grandson that passed away in August. She seemed to love it and is already wanting Wee pics on it. Hold on gram we got 10 weeks to go!
Incase you are wondering no we aren't naming our baby Wee. It was what I nicknamed her instead of baby and apparently it stuck! Everyone's loved it as ran with it.
My favorite gift I gave was a sweater to my brother. It actually fit him and he seemed to like it. The best gift I got was the expression on my family's faces when I surprised them after not seeing them for 15 years. I also got a lovely tiffany necklace from my mom that I'm obsessed with. Not much I wasn't happy with this year!