Week 20 glamour shots *snicker*
All these outfits are from 4 days in a row week 20. Can you tell the temp shift? ha!
20.2 Not done on purpose but I seem to wear blazers on Tuesdays. I loved this. The blazer is regular target I just bought up. My dad gave me $ for birthday with "buy yourself something pretty" line. This was one of the things. The underside of collar is hot pink! Shirt Pea in pod. Flower is a barrette from H&M
0.3 I got this sweater from my gram for my birthday. She got it at "Targets"(she hates it but knows I love it so she shops for me there every holiday) It is regular but as she told me "Cecile said this is what all the girls where. You don't have to worry how big you get in it" Who are these girls? Last time I asked what the girls were they were the ladies on the Price is Right. I KID YOU NOT. That is where gram gets pregnancy fashion advice. That and her 72 year old sister.
Dress Motherhood. This sweater is not a color I would ever buy for myself because I feel I am more a blue red person but I like it and it is INSANELY soft.
20.4 This long shirt thing is Target Maternity(thanks dad!). I find there selection WEAK. I find more regular things there that work for maternity then their maternity stuff. I have a couple things from there though. This is something I will grow into. It is insanely long. I bet a college kid would wear it as a dress.
20.4 bump. I kept getting asked the day before for an update on it.
20.5 We were going out for our first Saturday without a commitment or company in months. Just to run a million errands. Check out sewing machines, hit the consignment store, see if we can see the crib we want in person etc. It ended up being HOT. This is SO not something I normally would have the balls to wear but hell why not! Leopard leggins Target regular (thanks dad!) and the top is Old Navy Maternity. Shoes J Crew from Heather's wedding. Purse bday gift from Dave. I loved how comfy this was but all day felt like I forgot to put on pants. How do people wear leggings as pants and not feel naked? I want to know how to do it!
I find it really hard to find a place to take a full length picture this time of year. I also lost the tiny stand I used to use to take my pictures with. But everyday is the same. I wear the same jeans almost every single day so you aren't missing anything on the bottom half of my pics. I now have a couple extra pants that Dave hemmed up for me so I do rotate a little more now but this was almost a month ago above.
It has been a year since I colored my hair. Insanity right? Except for the last few inches this is my natural hair color. I hadn't seen it since 1999. I thought it has darkened some since I was a kid but not as much as I thought once I went and pulled these pics. (which have been posted before, yes)

I bet a few weeks in the sunshine and it would brighten back up. In the mean time it feels SO DULL to me. I have been forbidden from dyeing it. Not by my doctor though.... :P Any suggestions for non dye options to give it OOMPH. Don't say Henna. I promised my mom in 1994 I would never do it again and I don't go back on my word. :)
20.2 Not done on purpose but I seem to wear blazers on Tuesdays. I loved this. The blazer is regular target I just bought up. My dad gave me $ for birthday with "buy yourself something pretty" line. This was one of the things. The underside of collar is hot pink! Shirt Pea in pod. Flower is a barrette from H&M
0.3 I got this sweater from my gram for my birthday. She got it at "Targets"(she hates it but knows I love it so she shops for me there every holiday) It is regular but as she told me "Cecile said this is what all the girls where. You don't have to worry how big you get in it" Who are these girls? Last time I asked what the girls were they were the ladies on the Price is Right. I KID YOU NOT. That is where gram gets pregnancy fashion advice. That and her 72 year old sister.
Dress Motherhood. This sweater is not a color I would ever buy for myself because I feel I am more a blue red person but I like it and it is INSANELY soft.
20.4 This long shirt thing is Target Maternity(thanks dad!). I find there selection WEAK. I find more regular things there that work for maternity then their maternity stuff. I have a couple things from there though. This is something I will grow into. It is insanely long. I bet a college kid would wear it as a dress.
20.4 bump. I kept getting asked the day before for an update on it.
20.5 We were going out for our first Saturday without a commitment or company in months. Just to run a million errands. Check out sewing machines, hit the consignment store, see if we can see the crib we want in person etc. It ended up being HOT. This is SO not something I normally would have the balls to wear but hell why not! Leopard leggins Target regular (thanks dad!) and the top is Old Navy Maternity. Shoes J Crew from Heather's wedding. Purse bday gift from Dave. I loved how comfy this was but all day felt like I forgot to put on pants. How do people wear leggings as pants and not feel naked? I want to know how to do it!
I find it really hard to find a place to take a full length picture this time of year. I also lost the tiny stand I used to use to take my pictures with. But everyday is the same. I wear the same jeans almost every single day so you aren't missing anything on the bottom half of my pics. I now have a couple extra pants that Dave hemmed up for me so I do rotate a little more now but this was almost a month ago above.
It has been a year since I colored my hair. Insanity right? Except for the last few inches this is my natural hair color. I hadn't seen it since 1999. I thought it has darkened some since I was a kid but not as much as I thought once I went and pulled these pics. (which have been posted before, yes)
I bet a few weeks in the sunshine and it would brighten back up. In the mean time it feels SO DULL to me. I have been forbidden from dyeing it. Not by my doctor though.... :P Any suggestions for non dye options to give it OOMPH. Don't say Henna. I promised my mom in 1994 I would never do it again and I don't go back on my word. :)
The only non-dye and non-henna thing I could think of for your hair were clip in colors/extensions. Those might be a little too middle-school, though. Are they cool again? I'm so not good at trends.
As for henna, I kind of want to rant a bit about how the henna you probably used back then was either not real henna or had additives... because there is a hell of a lot of mis-information about henna.... but I will also say it's a complete pain in the butt to do on long hair anyway so you probably wouldn't WANT to do it.
Why not try a hair mask or other deep conditioner or non-permanent dye? Other than henna there are things like alma and cassia that will make your hair shiny and add a little gold color to it. Hennaforhair.com is a good place to order.
I am forbidden from any dye. Permanent or not.
Love that pic of you with the cabbage patch doll. I wonder if your little girl will have red hair.
Obviously for your face and style I would vote 30s-40s-50s, though you may have a bit of a beehive and some teased curls hidden in the depths of your soul! :-) I get the sense you don't do updos a lot, but personally, I think you have a very pretty neck and I see Gibson girl potential about you.
Anyway, it might just be fun! I've been meaning to do something along these lines for a while myself, made a few forays but nothing consistent.
BTW your real color is exquisite and flatters you greatly. :-)
I don't do a ton of updo a despite loving because they cause migraines.