We are gonna need a bigger shoe rack

Yup. Some of you already know. We only announced it to friends and family on Sunday. I needed a few days to soak that in before it went out to people I don't know. It is kinda weird putting news out there. While you want to shout it from roof tops in your head, the actuality is you don't want to tell a soul. It's your secret special news to tell as you want. But lets be honest I want to complain  discuss maternity fashions and turn this into the all baby channel. (not really) Still feels weird saying it.

So that kinda clues you in on some of the reason why this past year(s) I have kind been having a hard time. It doesn't happen the way they tell you in health class for everyone. Some people need to seek help. Then sometimes despite seeking help and it not going as planned, a miracle happens. We had that miracle. Or because I read 50 shades of grey finally. (have you seen the funny claims around that? TOTAL COINCIDENCE? Who know? I'll take it, much easier to tolerate then those damn fertility drugs were)


Anonymous saidā€¦
Hilary!!! Congratulations! It took a year for us with our first and even though that is within a normal range of time, every month it was still SO hard because no one ever tells you it may not happen right away.

I am so very excited for you guys :)
I am officially thrilled for you Hillary. I am glad everything has worked out, I know fertility drugs and that whole process SUCKS, I have a good friend went through it, and when she was ready to give up it worked. Wishing you a healthy, comfortable, and stylish pregnancy. Wish we were closer in size, I'd send you a box of maternity clothes I've been meaning to eBay/Craigslist!
byhillary saidā€¦
allie we might be closer than you think! :)

Sucks is an accurate description.
Leandra saidā€¦
Aw, yay! Congratulations! Love the little shoes. :)
rebeccalately saidā€¦
Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you!
D'Et saidā€¦
Oh Hillary... I'm so happy for you! I know I haven't commented in a long time, but I've been around. Congratulations on your miracle. I can't wait to see your happy little family expand. :)
bethtrue saidā€¦
Congratulations! That's wonderful! And what a great photo too! Yeay!!
Vivi R saidā€¦
Congrats to you both! The little shoes are tooooo cute!
byhillary saidā€¦
These comments got lost to my slow fingers. Sorry!!! :(

Teresa Kulupka has left a new comment on your post "We are gonna need a bigger shoe rack":

so happy for you! it took us about 1.5yrs w/intervention. but all the heartache, frustration etc is worth it.

Natalie Kennedy has left a new comment on your post "We are gonna need a bigger shoe rack":

Hooray! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! (ADORABLE little pic there too!)
anotheryarn saidā€¦
Congratulations! I hope everything going forward is smoother than getting pregnant.
Andrea saidā€¦
Awww! Congrats Hillary! You crack me up. I'm excited for your blog to turn into the all baby channel and to see you show us some maternity fashion. Such an exciting and magical time I am sure :)
nutmeg saidā€¦
A longtime lurker here to congratulate you! I have four weeks left before my second little one is due, and I'm sure you're going to kill it with the maternity style :) Very best wishes!!
alltumbledown saidā€¦
Happy to have you on the pregnancy bandwagon.. I'm going to need a buddy to compare maternity clothing woes with!
Morgan saidā€¦
Congratulations!!! That was the most precious reveal!! I've been a long time lurker like some other commenters above but I just couldn't keep quiet on this one...I'm so happy for you and your husband:)
Kristen saidā€¦
Awww, congratulations! Looking forward to seeing more little shoes in the future. :)
Marianne saidā€¦
Congratulations to you both! Very happy for you!!
Lorena saidā€¦
Awwww Hillary congratulations to you and Dave !!!!
I have a friend who has been trying for a few years now and still nothing, so these stories are very welcoming and I always share them with her to get her spirits up.
Love that picture !
freeda saidā€¦
So happy for you both! :) Two of my other bloggers are pregnant as well and it is so fun to watch!
Lauren saidā€¦
Wow! Fantastic news. :) very, very happy for you!!!

I have been a lurker for a while, and I really feel like I know you/have so much in common, and I love your style.

I am actually 12 weeks along with my 1st, after years of not knowing if I really wanted to be a mom. I know exactly how you feel about telling your secret news, b/c I am only half way there on telling people. family yes at 10 weeks, + 2 friends, but no one else knows yet! But man, what a rush sharing the great news. I tear up every time I tell someone.

So, so happy for you and your hubby!
Lauren saidā€¦
This comment has been removed by the author.
byhillary saidā€¦
Lauren congrats! I havent cried once! Not over any of it! How weird is that. Not even a misty moment. I keep bein warned I will but so far none.
Lauren saidā€¦
Thank you! Sorry for the double post.

I will be 33 when the baby arrives, so I am very much looking forward to you share your journey with us!

I think me and hubs are in shock still.
byhillary saidā€¦
Ha! I'll be 34 in a couple weeks. I am I'm total shock. Don't believe it at all.
Jac saidā€¦
You have been my favorite blogger for awhile b/c I felt I could relate to you. I live on the East Coast as well, I teach English (so a tad similar to a librarian), and I too love nail polish. Now we have one more thing in common. My husband and I are expecting, due in March, and it took us over a year and make visits to a fertility drugs and months on fertility drugs to conceive. Even though we aren't friends, it thrills me that I will vicariously share this experience with you, through your blog. I guess that is my favorite thing about your blog; it makes me FEEL like we are friends!
Congratulations; I am beyond happy for you.
Annsterw saidā€¦
Awwwwww! Congrats!!
Jane saidā€¦
byhillary saidā€¦
Congrats. Due in march as well :)
Kasmira saidā€¦
Congrats! How exciting!
Mary saidā€¦
I feel like a sneak since I saw your post on instagram already, but my comment there bears repeating: AAAAAAAHHHH! Congrats!! You two are going to have one cute & awesome little kiddo :)
Megan G saidā€¦
Congrats Hillary! I'm glad things finally worked out for you. Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy.
Cara saidā€¦
Woohoo! So exciting! And thanks for the honesty (on the difficult journey). It's my biggest fear that when we get a chance to venture down that road, we'll have difficulty, so knowing that (almost) everybody has difficulty, will help quiet my brain (a bit). Now the real question: how will the cats react?!?!?!
Unknown saidā€¦
YAY!!!! i'm sending a gigantic congratulations to you and dave!
Halfway Hip saidā€¦
Congrats! How wonderful! I haven't checked your blog in a while, but what news to return to! I love the pic!
laniza saidā€¦
Oh wow! Congratulations! We went through infertility struggles as well--hence the reason why we have a 16 year old and a 3 year old!! Do keep your readers in the loop throughout your pregnancy :).
Lynn W saidā€¦
Congratulations! So excited for you!
What wonderful happy news for your little, growing family! I'm sorry that it has been tough but am excited to hear about this next great adventure! And also that photo is really cute!! Congrats!
P saidā€¦
Congratulations! I am so happy for you! I've been reading your blog for ages and feel like we have so much in common, but never commented before because I don't have a blog myself which makes me feel a bit inferior. ;) I'm from Slovenia, we are roughly the same size, rock a similar haircolour (all of them, actually) and we could be wardrobe twins. I have a one-year-old son and I lived in H&M maternity tops and ASOS maternity dresses last year. The tunic/dress, leggings and boots combo worked best for me, but I am tallish with long legs and high-waisted, so no maternity pants worked for me, the panel just hit at the wrong spot making me feel uncomfortable. Asos maternity leggings were ok though. I'm looking forward to see what outfits you come up with. I hope you have a great and peaceful pregnancy, and, again, huge congratulations to you and Dave! Petra
Lisa saidā€¦
Congratulations! What wonderful news, you and Dave must be so excited.
Dorothy saidā€¦
Congratulations! I wish you all the best for a healthy and comfortable pregnancy :)

Your announcement photo is just the cutest!
Robin saidā€¦
First of all, I squealed when I saw that you posted something. Then, I REALLY squealed out of happiness for you! CONGRATULATIONS! I hope this is an easy and amazing journey for you guys!
Chalkdust and Boots saidā€¦
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Let me know if there are any maternity items you may need: I have lots of tops and dresses...
Missy saidā€¦
Yay! Congratulations! Wishing nothing but luck and a smooth pregnancy.
Unknown saidā€¦
Congratulations to both of you ... hope alls goes really well.

Hugs and have a stunning week.
Lacey R saidā€¦
Congratulations Hillary!! That's awesome! All the best to you and Dave.
Juani saidā€¦
Ahhh,just on Friday I was looking at your blog name on my Reader,and wondered why you've been so quiet lately.

Congratulations,this is so awesome,and I can't wait to read all about your journey.
DanaElayne saidā€¦
Congratulations! Such happy, exciting news!
DanaElayne saidā€¦
Congratulations! Such wonderful and exciting news! Yay!
Misty saidā€¦
Congratulations! What wonderful news!
McKristie saidā€¦
Amazing newsand happy happy joy joy congratulations!

This just made me smile!

Jessica saidā€¦
Hilary!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! I have been behind in blog reading and had to go back a few posts. OMG! It's sounds like it has been quite a journey for you and I'm sorry to hear that. Congratulations to you! So happy for you!
Red saidā€¦
Aw, Hillary, I'm so happy for you both!!! Blessings and much joy to you and your family, always! Must add that I enjoy your complaints SO much--you are a truly funny woman and I love your blog. Oh, and I am sure that Daisy and Waffle are going to be great nannies. ;-) You're going to have one lucky little kidlet.