Cat fancy

He has a project.

Last week I showed you the photo above of a project Dave was starting. We wanted to get a vertical scratching post for the girls for awhile but they either weren't the right size or insanely priced for bad workmanship. We also needed two accommodate the one cat who is 50% bigger than the other. (Bet you can't guess who!)

Photo Jan 23, 8 54 55 PM

They seem to love it. Daisyboo noticed the treats on the platforms first while Waffle was too busy rubbing her face into the cat nip on the base.

Photo Jan 23, 9 16 17 PM

It only lasted about 30 minutes that close to the wall before Waffle used it as a bridge to STAND ON THE BLINDS. Yup her little feet on a tiny unsupported plastic slat. Trying to pull down the twist to open rod.

And a bonus video of Waffle in Dave's big bean bag. She is OBSESSED with it. No joke she spends a good portion of her day on it whether someone is on it or not.


Unknown said…
Waffle in the beanbag is priceless. She looks all helpless and stuck, but they always figure a way out.

My dogs like to try and stand on the plastic blind slats, too. I don't know what about them makes animals feel secure enough to just jump right on. Weirdoes, hehe.
Megan G said…
So cool! I have been wanting to make one of those for my moms kitties for awhile now.

Omg Waffle and the bean bag! I died laughing.
Franca said…
Dave made this? awesome job! We have a thingy like that (just the one level). One of our cats loves it, the other one couldn't care less.
nire00 said…
Very cool! I've been wanting to make something similar. Did you pick special rope? I got stuck reading all the horror stories about regular rope being not so cat friendly.
Jessica said…
This is amazing! I have been unwilling to pay for a scratching post. I did try to convince the BF to build the Mad Catter a Catio. I've been unable to get total buy in though. I think it would be the coolest thing ever.
Jessica said…
This is amazing! I have been unwilling to pay for a scratching post. I did try to convince the BF to build the Mad Catter a Catio. I've been unable to get total buy in though. I think it would be the coolest thing ever.