jealousy is just love and hate at the same time
You've heard some of this before but I myself am only starting to GET IT. I've been wavering on the whole blog business for months. My photos are just crap lately. (one of the reasons this really bugs me goes back to self esteem. I feel great, see photos HATE it and get down on myself despite feeling awesome before I saw them. Bad lighting and out of focus isn't the real me but it still gets me down) I don't know when or where to take pics. Work is out of the question and now that I commute it isn't as easy outside with Dave working different hours. EXCUSES. All those excuses tell me just give it up because obviously if my heart was in it I wouldn't have an excuse. I don't like to give anything half ass effort. BUT then it dawned on me what if this was just a more casual fun thing like it USED TO BE. I don't need to stand in a field with my fancy camera. That isn't me, plus living in the city it is hard to find an abandoned building and parking lot to pose in. So this is me proclaiming I don't care to pretend to be fancy. I'm not. My purse is messy, I hang things inside out (but I do hang them!) I don't fold my things before I put them in drawers (I do with linens though oddly) I proclaim things like "Tonight is wear the most wrinkled pjs you can find in your drawer night" and appoint myself winner.
All those shiny happy blogs are awesome. I've said it before. I just don't know how to be that person. I always forget part of my lunch on the counter at home, I misplace my phone 4 times a day, I never remember to charge my camera, I wander around the office looking for an earring or pen I lose during the day. I can't be trusted to water my plants at work. (I've been forbid from doing it actually) I forget things. OFTEN. So often I have notes of EVERYTHING I do at work. I am known for my binders of random tabbed notes.
My desk at right this moment ONE of my binders and my to do list from yesterday. ( I keep them in a notebook and put at date at the top of the page so I can go back and see when I did something if I have to. I also take it to all meetings so I have it all right there in one place and I tab it when an important topic was discussed I know I will need later)

If I don't write it down I forget. (sadly it is a side effect of a med I took. At least that is my theory)
I am just not that together fancy cool chic person! But I am OK with that, now I am at least. I like my odd ways most the time. But that doesn't mean I am not jealous of those people. (see title)
Though on my plus side I do take care of my belonging. I shine my shoes, I iron (technically I have things ironed because I don't "do it right" but I still don't go out in wrinkled clothes, I even have him crease my pants) I keep my purses in their dust bags, I put things away, I organize my stuff and label EVERYTHING. My DVDs are organized by type and how recently I watched them.
All that said here are some looks from the past few days.

Dress Ann Taylor Loft, Hoodie American Eagle, Boots Clarks, Ring Charlotte Russe?

Here you can't even see the outfit. But wait I have one you can see the outfit but my head had been replaced by a heart, those 6:30am shadows were not my friend.

Blazer Forever 21, Jeans American Eagle (old!) shoes Clarks, Shirt H&M, Scarf

Totally over exposed but my hair looks nice at least!
Basically for my own sanity, I am not going to try and be polished because when I do I see everything wrong. But if I approach it as a casual oh here is just me on my phone then I hope to break this terrible self deprecating cycle I have got into. It isn't healthy and I know that.
Now to end on a up note!

I turn around for 5 seconds to put a shirt on and I find this.

Daisyboo is so chill and dignified and doesn't act out (often, almost never) and doesn't cuddle unless it is on her terms. She usually is a black blob in photos. That doesn't mean I love her less. I love her more most days. (You hear that Miss Waffle McButterpants) but once and awhile she sits still enough with enough light on her that you can see her!
All those shiny happy blogs are awesome. I've said it before. I just don't know how to be that person. I always forget part of my lunch on the counter at home, I misplace my phone 4 times a day, I never remember to charge my camera, I wander around the office looking for an earring or pen I lose during the day. I can't be trusted to water my plants at work. (I've been forbid from doing it actually) I forget things. OFTEN. So often I have notes of EVERYTHING I do at work. I am known for my binders of random tabbed notes.
My desk at right this moment ONE of my binders and my to do list from yesterday. ( I keep them in a notebook and put at date at the top of the page so I can go back and see when I did something if I have to. I also take it to all meetings so I have it all right there in one place and I tab it when an important topic was discussed I know I will need later)
If I don't write it down I forget. (sadly it is a side effect of a med I took. At least that is my theory)
I am just not that together fancy cool chic person! But I am OK with that, now I am at least. I like my odd ways most the time. But that doesn't mean I am not jealous of those people. (see title)
Though on my plus side I do take care of my belonging. I shine my shoes, I iron (technically I have things ironed because I don't "do it right" but I still don't go out in wrinkled clothes, I even have him crease my pants) I keep my purses in their dust bags, I put things away, I organize my stuff and label EVERYTHING. My DVDs are organized by type and how recently I watched them.
All that said here are some looks from the past few days.
Dress Ann Taylor Loft, Hoodie American Eagle, Boots Clarks, Ring Charlotte Russe?
Here you can't even see the outfit. But wait I have one you can see the outfit but my head had been replaced by a heart, those 6:30am shadows were not my friend.
Blazer Forever 21, Jeans American Eagle (old!) shoes Clarks, Shirt H&M, Scarf
Totally over exposed but my hair looks nice at least!
Basically for my own sanity, I am not going to try and be polished because when I do I see everything wrong. But if I approach it as a casual oh here is just me on my phone then I hope to break this terrible self deprecating cycle I have got into. It isn't healthy and I know that.
Now to end on a up note!
I turn around for 5 seconds to put a shirt on and I find this.
Daisyboo is so chill and dignified and doesn't act out (often, almost never) and doesn't cuddle unless it is on her terms. She usually is a black blob in photos. That doesn't mean I love her less. I love her more most days. (You hear that Miss Waffle McButterpants) but once and awhile she sits still enough with enough light on her that you can see her!
While you do typically look pretty darn polished to me, I do like non-perfection better. Personally I don't iron things, have gone out with slightly wrinkled clothes and my hair is always a frizzy mess. Today I look greasy because I couldn't wash my hair last night with my migraine. Seeing perfection, well that just makes me feel even dumpier. I prefer someone who is awesome, but normal. :)
You are a fantastic person, that's what matters.
I have to write things down to remember them, too. I say it's because my head is already SO full of all the other useful things I know.
Blog for you, not for the pagehits or the trends. Because they are trends, they come and go and style - be it how you rock your new lipgloss or nailpolish or realistic contents of your purse... is stylish. And awesome.
I've been there. SO. MANY. TIMES. I get to the point where I wonder what the point is of blogging any more. And then I remember the fun part, the community, the long-time readers who have become friends. I remember them, and blog for them. So blog for us.
And as many Waffle pics as you desire, can't get enough!
Kasmira Yeah my head is full of stupid trivia! No more room!
@C thanks dude :)
@cassykins I had a mirgaine yesterday too! I usually take hot hot showers when I am at my wits end and half way through washing my hair want to cry because I don't have the energy.
I love the "tabbing your notes" strategy - I think I will try it! At work I have dozens of color-coded folders, it's the only way I can remotely keep on top of things!
And no, you don't have a muffin top!
But those other shiny boring blogs are just for pagehits, yours is for you. And ,love you and your blog!
I'm the worst at just keeping up my blog, but I admit to falling into the same bad thoughts about myself and giving up.
I love reading about you, seeing you wear hoodies with dresses, wearing flats and glasses and looking gorgeous while doing it. (On a less serious note, I want to sneak into your closet and steal that floral dress. Bewaaaare)
I hope you are able to let yourself get back to having fun with your blog and pictures.
lynn now I want to eat a muffin! NOM! :)
freeda I made an obnoxious punching gesture in solidarity.
brittneynikkole I complain it's too bright turn lights down then complain everything is too dark.
Stefka do it. get the write on tabs they are amazing
Patricia one morning of riffling through it and its unfolded anyways so why bother!
Perfection is just depressing and can be seen in a real magazine or on TV. But inspiration for day to day life comes best from day to day looks.
I hope you will continue to stay to true to you. Fancy pictures and poses do not make a blog interesting.
I like your style; we have some of the same articles of clothing and I love to see something I own styled in a way I may not have thought of.
You always seem very well polished to me.
So kudos for you for realizing it. Having just returned to blogging after my maternity hiatus, I have to say, at first, I felt crappy about myself because my body is different, etc. but then I got great comments from people like YOU and I remembered that there is a great community! :) I'm happy to be back.
oh, and like you, I rarely read my stats. I probably should on occasion, but I never think about it. LOL
and post waffle pics all you want! Don't be surprised if my blog is full of andrew and maggie photos too! LOL
I also hang things inside out and I usually don't put stuff in drawers at all. I like leaving them unfolded in the clothes basket or in the dryer for a week. :)
I cant' remember jack crap. My dr says it's because I'm "perimenopausal" at 32 years old. I had to have my hormone levels checked and I know 'take' hormones. It helped for a while, but not so much anymore. I make lists for everything so I don't have to try to remember things. I'm the last person anyone should say, "Remind me to..." to.
I'm messy when it comes to so many things and organized on other things. My desk usually looks like a bomb went off because, if it's not on my desk, then I don't remember that it needs to be done. :)
I think you're neat. I wish we lived closer so we could be real life friends. :) Just sayin.
I write stuff on the palm of my hand and then wash then... you should see me trying to figure out what I wrote !