I like to make things
I have taken outfit photos all week until today. I just have to upload them. They are all still on my large camera on a tripod at home. Today I wore a pink and white blouse, that navy jacket I mentioned last time and jeans and cowboy boots. I am wearing two handmade jewelry items that are worth showcasing though! The ring Dave made me.
(more detail shots)
and earrings I made.
I was making jewelry before I met Dave but he taught me the fancier stuff that involved wires. His sister taught him. He made me a ring when we first started dating. He had his sister teach him, then he taught me how to do earrings. The rest is history. I used to do craft fairs, sell online (that is why my site is by hillary. It used to be a store/ portfolio. It was a play on words) a failed etsy and in a local store. I only make for family now. I am a one trick pony honestly. But I like challenging myself to match outfits. I come up with an idea and hunt for beads to go with it. Like these earrings were made to go with this and one other pink print shirt I have. I do necklaces sometimes too but not often. They are more expensive and usually end up costing as much as buying one.

I am finally getting my grubby paws on Butter London polish. I dig it. This is All Hail the Queen which was originally in honor of McQueen but they changed the name. Their colors as just a bit quirky, apply smooth, last a good amount of time and have just a little something different to them.
I got mine at Nordstrom a couple months ago but they still have it.
It has micro holographic shimmer which is impossible to photograph. I should of done a little video maybe?
Do you create anything?
I can knit (ok) crochet (little better than ok but not great) sew (eh. I can get by) make jewelry (depends), embroider (decent) , paint (ok), sculpt (depends on thing). I can't cut a straight line though. Oh I create large messes too! I do random crafts too. I like etching, used to do printmaking and silkscreening too.
(more detail shots)
and earrings I made.
I was making jewelry before I met Dave but he taught me the fancier stuff that involved wires. His sister taught him. He made me a ring when we first started dating. He had his sister teach him, then he taught me how to do earrings. The rest is history. I used to do craft fairs, sell online (that is why my site is by hillary. It used to be a store/ portfolio. It was a play on words) a failed etsy and in a local store. I only make for family now. I am a one trick pony honestly. But I like challenging myself to match outfits. I come up with an idea and hunt for beads to go with it. Like these earrings were made to go with this and one other pink print shirt I have. I do necklaces sometimes too but not often. They are more expensive and usually end up costing as much as buying one.
I am finally getting my grubby paws on Butter London polish. I dig it. This is All Hail the Queen which was originally in honor of McQueen but they changed the name. Their colors as just a bit quirky, apply smooth, last a good amount of time and have just a little something different to them.
I got mine at Nordstrom a couple months ago but they still have it.
It has micro holographic shimmer which is impossible to photograph. I should of done a little video maybe?
Do you create anything?
I can knit (ok) crochet (little better than ok but not great) sew (eh. I can get by) make jewelry (depends), embroider (decent) , paint (ok), sculpt (depends on thing). I can't cut a straight line though. Oh I create large messes too! I do random crafts too. I like etching, used to do printmaking and silkscreening too.
I can sew, kinda paint, and well, that's about it. I'm no where near as crafty as you are. I'd love to see some of your sculptures.
its been 10 years and I don't have pics of most. I have slides. I do have these two though.
which I will warn is a naught video of robotic barbies being bad
and this.
I crotchet just a little and I can sew on a button !
I love the Butter London polish. I'll have to see if they have it next time I go to the "big" town.
I've played with jewelry making, knitting, I can't crochet, and I used to do "cute mail" swaps. It was often scrapbookish penpal letters with Japanese/Korean stationery and deco stuff.
I wish I could make more of the button flowers I started making and sell them locally. I gave a bunch to my mom who wears them on her hats. She's gotten a bunch of compliments and questions about where she got them. I hardly have time to sit still these days though.
Oh, I'm also very messy. So, I only craft/create when I know I'm willing to clean up.
I've made some simple jewelry, but nothing special. I ran out and bought a ton of beads when I first started and then kind of ran out of steam.
I've crocheted a few things over the years but still think of myself as a beginner. And I took a knitting class a couple of months ago thanks to Groupon.
I really like rubber stamps and card making and wish I spent more time learning how to do it better.
i'm pretty crafty, but i also leave a lot of crafts half done. i have a kiln/pottery wheel and make handbuilt as well as wheel thrown pottery, i'm adequate at crochet, i like to make cards and scrapbook.
But I also knit, and make jewelry. There's something so satisfying about wearing something that you've made. Just wonderful.
I really like that ring, it is so intricate and thoughtfully designed. Brava!
I have a lot of felting and ModPodging supplies around here. It's just finding the time and the inclination. I knitted a scarf once...and then I was done.
Your jewelry looks very pretty. That ring is especially nice!
I can do a little bit of everything. I've done scrapbooking, painting, drawing, carpentry, paper arts (decoupage, etc), most needlecrafts except for knitting. I Love to bake &cook (and definitely think that is a craft), and I make lots of chainmaille jewelry that I sell. The shiny things keep my interest the most :)