Dress H&M
Coat Forever 21 Boots
Necklace Pop's dog tag from Navy
Nautical themed bracelets (I've told you I love to exhaust a theme)
I thought I had posted this already! oops. This was last Friday. I got half way through the day and I ripped off the tights in a random bathroom on my lunch break. (just realized that sounds bad. I took them off beause I felt suffocated!) Ever do that? I mean I didn't literally rip but I couldn't get them off fast enough. So much ouch. I found out the next day I wasn't insane and I now have a lovely list of the trigger foods for GERD. I had eaten no joke like 7 of the 10 in one meal. (Naked burrito bowl with soda) I was having horrific chest and stomach pains. OY so much pain. (I am under a drs care. This problem is been going on 7 years. I have had MRIs, colon/endoscopy, xrays, ultrasounds you name it. Gah. NOTHING is wrong with me ((regarding that, lucky me that is just one problem I have)) just GERD.) I knew I had it but no one really ever mentioned trigger foods. I mean I didn't even think to look it up. I just thought it meant when I eat, it comes up and I have chest pains.
Garlic, onions, spicy, tomato, fatty food dude I had all those in one meal.
It really seems obvious but dude it really wasn't. I wish it had been to me. I mean I have all my foods written down from the past FOUR years. I kinda thought it was just junk food that might do that. Which is why I don't eat out often or buy that stuff. I actually purposefully only buy stuff like that I can't have just in case. Stuff with sesame in it so I am never tempted. That way only Dave has snacks. He has blood sugar issues so he is a snacker! (in that he needs to. Not that he needs to avoid)
In fact I had the "triggers" in every meal that week! We had made a ton of super healthy soups. We had a bunch of tomatoes and onions we were using up so I had lasagna soup, Mexican soup, burrito bowls. It was the week of those foods. By the end of the week no wonder I felt like I was dying. Add to that I was sick and I was a bundle of uncomfortable. I have antibiotics and a list to avoid so fingers crossed!
Why am I talking about this? Not sure. Maybe to tell you I am human, I have issues and problems. I have pains.
PS no I am not celiac. I've been tested every way from Sunday (I've done 4 different types of test total) and done the diet. I even did the genetic testing just to be extra sure.
Normally I like to end on a happy note with a picture of a kitten but this is better don't you think? I figured it was Halloween themed so it was appropriate. How cute are Dave and his sister?!! I love her outfit. I'd totally wear that any day! I wonder if they were going to Six Gun City? (any New Englanders in the crowd?)
love the sailor inspired outfit! what color/brand is the polish? it's so shiny!