Oh hello there. You just happened to catch me brushing up on my clinical psychology in this here bound periodical. Oh it's a prop because I am kinda over how I look hands on hips and have no idea what to do with my hands. I can't be sure which.
See no pizzaz.
It's still cold out here so I have a hoodie to deal.
I put my hair in a pony tail then put two braids in the tail and wrapped them in opposite directions and used 3 spin pins to hold.
I haven't had any luck keeping the spin pins in the almost year I've tried them. My hair is heavy and they always fall out. They are staying much better today. I think because the braid gave it places to hold on to better.
Terrible photo but you can see one of the pins here.
Nothing fancy for makeup today.
I skipped any foundation because I am very red today. My skin is very sensitive and goes in waves. Right now it's a red rashy phase. I have it on my neck and chest too. Stress?! NOT THAT I AM STRESSED!
What are you plans for this weekend? We don't have any but the next 4 we are busy so probably just hang at home this weekend.
Oh and what did you have for lunch?
I had onion soup at Panera. I have a horrible migraine and it tasted wonderful. Just what I needed.
And I love this outfit. That dress is so wonderful.
And I love this outfit. That dress is so wonderful.
And me on Facebook? That was my 18th birthday. We went to key west for the weekend.
Lunch was boring - Stouffers Mac & Cheese. Yummy comfort food, but boring.
I no longer have minors in the house. It's my daughter's 18th birthday. Jamie and I are looking at houses to buy, since we will be foot-free in a couple months when she goes to college. And this weekend, we are going to Austin to meet up with old and new Flickr friends. It'll be a great time!