Thursday January 27th

Tuesday I was insanely busy and when I found time to take pictures I couldn't find a place to do it. Then Tuesday night I fell on the way home. On a patch of ice. I pulled Dave down right on top of me and my elbow and shoulder took all 300+ lbs of us. I stayed home yesterday and I could NOT GET COMFORTABLE. Sitting and laying hurt. I did a kind of propped up on the other side dealy. Today I get to work and SURPRISE it was delayed until 10am! I was the only one there. blargh. So everyone else got a nice little late start while I knocked loudly on the door hoping someone would be able to let me in. I tried to go out and get coffee only to stand in line and get up and order and realize my wallet was not in my purse but instead on my desk at work.

My "cute" outfit that I was really digging. I just can't seem to get a picture of today that doesn't make me grimace. MY ARM HURTS. Compounding with some stupid stuff in my real life I am kinda of a wreck today.(whiny. But only in my head)


I have on this ruffle dress than a drapy cardigan and scarf over it. (those photos shall not see the light of day)

But you can see the scarf here.


it is this insanely light peach and has navy blue pom poms all around it.


Waffle LOVED IT. She attacked me when I put it on. I knew it was a possibility so I have no one but myself to blame for that. I have to pull her little claws our of it one at a time.

I did a blue eye wing today too. I swear my blush doesn't look like that in person. Some of that is coming in from the cold... I hope.


I have on this little robot necklace too.


Her body rotates and has to different sides.

I got my free 5 Zoya polish in the mail(Dave ordered 3 additional for me and 1 was backordered). I haven't taken any fancy photos of them yet but here are two quick shots of the colors I have tried so far.

I can't remember the name of this color and I don't have the bottle on me.


and today Trixie. Trixie looks like tin foil on my nails. It is my favorite so far.



hillary saidā€¦
Oh honey, I am SO sorry that you fell and hurt yourself! That does sound awfully painful.

On the up side, you do look incredibly adorable in this outfit! I love the wrap dress and the pink belt is perfect with it.

I really adore that robot necklace too - so cute!!!
hillary saidā€¦
I hope you feel better, the sidewalks are terrible allover. It makes me mad that you hurt yourself. I have a really hard time walking on uneven surfaces myself (balance problems) and I see elderly people with canes trudging through thick frozen snow, because the city doesn't clear these public spaces. It's awful!

I bought a bottle of silvery NYC polish last Spring and I was hoping it would look like this, but it was more muddy and not shiny at all. I love the Trixie!
hillary saidā€¦
thanks dude
hillary saidā€¦
oh man. I had replied now it look like it ate it. To summarize. boston=ashamed of themselves
sally hansen has a great silver polish in their $1.99 line.
hillary saidā€¦
Falling sucks. I know this because I have done it twice today. Once while pushing my car back up the hill I live on because it got stuck in a snow bank at the bottom of the hill and I couldn't go any further, but couldn't get back up the hill either. I'm totally done with this slush/ice nonsense.

Anyway, fell better soon lady. Love the silver nails. I like the Zoya polished that my mom got waaaay better than the ones I got. I forgot to look at the opacity ratings and got all these sheer ones that I don't like at all.
hillary saidā€¦
Could you layer them? I never even thought of this before but the other day I saw a blog where she had a sheer polish she layered over black white and other solid colors and it was really neat how much it changed it.
hillary saidā€¦
I tried the "worst" (sheerest) one and even layered you can't even see it. I think the other ones may do ok over a nice dark color, though. I feel bad hating on the polishes, I mean they were free. Darn internet making the colors look so much nicer.
hillary saidā€¦
I love the purple polish and that robot necklace...I know you dont feel cute...but you look it in that fun dress. Hope your elbow and shoulder feel better soon!
hillary saidā€¦
That's the rub. I feel insanely cute today. I just felt like the pictures weren't portraying the cute so I was getting pissy.
hillary saidā€¦
Omg! I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. Hopefully it will heal quickly. Feel better soon.

I love the little robot necklace! It reminds me of the sackbots from Little Big Planet 2. The silver polish looks like "Silver leaf", I like the effect.
hillary saidā€¦
I'm sorry to hear about your fall. When I got in a bad car accident I hurt in all kinds of weird places, and I found that using those squishy pillows (you know the kind with the little styrofoam bits in them that squish around a lot) really helped a lot when I was trying to get comfy. Hopefully you'll heal up soon.
You look incredibly glamorous in this weather today. The robot necklace is adorable too. I know this is going to sound really random, but how do you shape your nails so nicely?
hillary saidā€¦
Oh goodness I saw that! I was in a bad one in highschool with a friend and totaled his car and I stupidly wasn't wearing a seatbelt and for some reason my parents didn't take me
To the hospital. I've never been the same since. Dave and I got in one and
A jerk totaled our car and luckily we just walked away badly bruised.
hillary saidā€¦
I got my Zoya nail polish 2 days ago and I'm currently wearing Mata Hari (a purple-red hue).

Your robot-girly is so freaking cute! As is the image I have in my head of Waffle attacking your scarf. Thank you for that.

Hope you feel better soon!
hillary saidā€¦
Falling sucks. I hope you feel better soon!
I love Trixie. It's on my lemming list. I think I have an unhealthy obsession for Zoya polish haha.
hillary saidā€¦
That is a super rough couple of days... Take care of you!
hillary saidā€¦
that's just the stuff I share. blarg. It has been a shitty ass week but I am TRYING to not complain. I am working on the positive attitude it is heavily influenced with how much sugar I consume. Off to find a fire ball.....
hillary saidā€¦
I am sorry you have been having a time of it. But to compensate, kinda, you look great!
hillary saidā€¦
Oh I am sorry I am not trying to complain at all. I need perspective sometime. Yes I had a bunch of shit but man I got nothing when there are people like Bitca who has real issues right now. I need to focus all my positive energy on her.