How I spent Christmas **insanely photo heavy**
Dave and I celebrated Christmas with each other and the kittens on Christmas' eve eve. In all honesty I was spoiled. I feel bad I got him all functional stuff. Dave got me a Juice pack for my phone which I am always killing, he made me some beautiful nesting boxes and there was a necklace hid in the small one. Polish, tiny perfume, two makeup brushes that I OFFHANDEDLY mentioned once I should get a blending crease brush and a big powder brush and he picked some out! He is amazing I know. I also got the GIANT Andy Warhol book and Modern Fashion encyclopedia. Also PJ, robe and slippers.

Watching us unwrap presents

The girls got boxes. Someone thought both were hers. She needs boxhab.

Our gifts for family.

We left the girls at home someone wanted to come though. (We couldn't take them. Daisyboo gets car sick and Gram isn't a cat fan)

We spent Christmas eve with Dave's parents and sister in New Hampshire. It hasn't happened that we were all there in a long time so we just spent the day chatting and enjoying each others company. No TV no distractions. They gave us money towards a trip we are hoping to go on and travel games and lots of travel related goodies and scrapbooking stuff.. My sister in law read my blog and got me the PJs and Cocoa idea I mentioned in this TJ Maxx post!! I loved them so much but they were junior cut (I hope. I tell myself) I went to exchange them yesterday and they didn't have them. I was upset because I love love loved them. I got another pair that are also cute but I am keeping my eyes peeled for the Hello Kitty ones.
We decorated Sugar Cookies too

There was lots of food all day. Summer Sausage, Pork Fried Rice, Chicken Fingers, Oven Potatoes, Whoopie Pies, Sugar Cookies and the world's largest Petit Fours! SO YUMMY

No one would eat the scary ghost one on top.

Family resemblances run strong in Dave's family!

My inlaws also gave me a present for Dave's graduation.(I KNOW they sooooo didn't have to do anything for me it is all about him.) but the card said "to the key of Dave's success" It is absolutely gorgeous.

I don't think I am at all in credit to his success. I just was bossy and made him keep on keeping on when he wanted to quit it all and move to an island with no teachers.
Christmas Day we spent with my family at Gram's house. It was our first Christmas without pop. I think we had a great day and he was there in our hearts even if he couldn't be there in his chair.
My cousin wasn't there because he is currently in Afghanistan but his cute wife stopped in after dinner.

We gave gram a stocking with gifts in it. She decided to put it on instead.

My family got us PJs and gourmet goodies from our favorite local company Stonewall Kitchens. I got SOCKS! I love getting socks. I got a cat grass chia cat. I am so excited to grow it because I know at least Daisyboo loves cat grass. We got dishtowel sets and kitchen stuff. My dad always gets me a pair of earrings for Christmas and always makes me something. I got kangaroo earrings (Sounds odd but they are adorable and subtle) and he made me a set of four beautiful hand turned wood bowls.

You know those kitchen towels with the crochet tab on top? I LOVE THOSE THINGS. I love them so much. In my small kitchen they are so perfect and the cats can't pull them down. Gram knows I love them so she made me a few. This one is the best. My little cousin and I got matching ones. I think they are still too young to appreciate them fully but it makes me smile thinking of my dirt biking Air Force cousin using gram's glitter sparkle towel. (In person the gum drops sparkle) Oh and she made everyone tins of their favorite cookies. I got tassies and melt aways. Dad got hermits.

We also got coupons for custom gifts. Dave got woodworking lessons I got leather projects. (I already know what I want!)
Sunday gram woke us up early because the news was predicting the impending storm was going to start earlier than initially predicted. We hit the road immediately. I felt so bad bailing on gram at 8 am but we don't have heat in our car so we drove the whole way home in the snow with the cold air on to prevent the windshield from freezing over. It was fun times! We didn't get as much snow as they predicted but we did get a good amount. Dave looking for our car.

When we adventured out yesterday after the storm I got some of the new MAC that came out on the 26th! Thank you gram!

Woah I think that is the most photos in one post I have ever done!
How was your Christmas? Did you go anywhere?
Edited to add! We couldn't be in the same state as my mom this year unfortunately so she sent us a box of goodies! She made my favorite chocolate peanut butter balls that I always would beg for as a kid but are messy and hard to make! So we got a giant bag of them! GLUTEN FREE too so I had to share. She made the four skirts too!
Watching us unwrap presents
The girls got boxes. Someone thought both were hers. She needs boxhab.
Our gifts for family.
We left the girls at home someone wanted to come though. (We couldn't take them. Daisyboo gets car sick and Gram isn't a cat fan)
We spent Christmas eve with Dave's parents and sister in New Hampshire. It hasn't happened that we were all there in a long time so we just spent the day chatting and enjoying each others company. No TV no distractions. They gave us money towards a trip we are hoping to go on and travel games and lots of travel related goodies and scrapbooking stuff.. My sister in law read my blog and got me the PJs and Cocoa idea I mentioned in this TJ Maxx post!! I loved them so much but they were junior cut (I hope. I tell myself) I went to exchange them yesterday and they didn't have them. I was upset because I love love loved them. I got another pair that are also cute but I am keeping my eyes peeled for the Hello Kitty ones.
We decorated Sugar Cookies too
There was lots of food all day. Summer Sausage, Pork Fried Rice, Chicken Fingers, Oven Potatoes, Whoopie Pies, Sugar Cookies and the world's largest Petit Fours! SO YUMMY
No one would eat the scary ghost one on top.
Family resemblances run strong in Dave's family!
My inlaws also gave me a present for Dave's graduation.(I KNOW they sooooo didn't have to do anything for me it is all about him.) but the card said "to the key of Dave's success" It is absolutely gorgeous.
I don't think I am at all in credit to his success. I just was bossy and made him keep on keeping on when he wanted to quit it all and move to an island with no teachers.
Christmas Day we spent with my family at Gram's house. It was our first Christmas without pop. I think we had a great day and he was there in our hearts even if he couldn't be there in his chair.
My cousin wasn't there because he is currently in Afghanistan but his cute wife stopped in after dinner.
We gave gram a stocking with gifts in it. She decided to put it on instead.
My family got us PJs and gourmet goodies from our favorite local company Stonewall Kitchens. I got SOCKS! I love getting socks. I got a cat grass chia cat. I am so excited to grow it because I know at least Daisyboo loves cat grass. We got dishtowel sets and kitchen stuff. My dad always gets me a pair of earrings for Christmas and always makes me something. I got kangaroo earrings (Sounds odd but they are adorable and subtle) and he made me a set of four beautiful hand turned wood bowls.
You know those kitchen towels with the crochet tab on top? I LOVE THOSE THINGS. I love them so much. In my small kitchen they are so perfect and the cats can't pull them down. Gram knows I love them so she made me a few. This one is the best. My little cousin and I got matching ones. I think they are still too young to appreciate them fully but it makes me smile thinking of my dirt biking Air Force cousin using gram's glitter sparkle towel. (In person the gum drops sparkle) Oh and she made everyone tins of their favorite cookies. I got tassies and melt aways. Dad got hermits.
We also got coupons for custom gifts. Dave got woodworking lessons I got leather projects. (I already know what I want!)
Sunday gram woke us up early because the news was predicting the impending storm was going to start earlier than initially predicted. We hit the road immediately. I felt so bad bailing on gram at 8 am but we don't have heat in our car so we drove the whole way home in the snow with the cold air on to prevent the windshield from freezing over. It was fun times! We didn't get as much snow as they predicted but we did get a good amount. Dave looking for our car.
When we adventured out yesterday after the storm I got some of the new MAC that came out on the 26th! Thank you gram!
Woah I think that is the most photos in one post I have ever done!
How was your Christmas? Did you go anywhere?
Edited to add! We couldn't be in the same state as my mom this year unfortunately so she sent us a box of goodies! She made my favorite chocolate peanut butter balls that I always would beg for as a kid but are messy and hard to make! So we got a giant bag of them! GLUTEN FREE too so I had to share. She made the four skirts too!
I don't think you were spoiled, i think you were a good girl and got what you deserved - specially from your inlaws, it was a beautiful gesture for them to give you a card with that written on it and of course, who would not be delighted to get the key :o)
I spent Christmas eve in two places, one in my aunt´s (mom's sister) house but it was bad, like bad vibe, bad i don´t know what.
The other part of the time we spent it at my husband's sister's house. She invited us to her house AND SHE ASKED us to bring the TURKEY and asked her mother to bring the HAM. Seriously, what kind of invitation is THAT ?!
nevertheless, it is great to know yours was a good one :)
BRING a turkey? That is insane! Why not bring the whole party! goodness. I am sorry about the bad vibe. I so get that and to be frank not all holidays go well so this was nice.
Mine was very busy, full of friends and family. I got a lot of useful things like a new sewing machine and a Nook, a bunch of clothes and a new hat, OH! And some aloe infused socks that I'm totally wearing right now. But more importantly I got to see all my family and friends and spend time with everyone. I only went down to Nashville (~1 hourish drive) to see family. Everyone else traveled to me this year.
Those photos of Waffle in the box reminds of the YouTube cat Maru. <3
We didn't go anywhere but we did send my kids off their grandparents in Colorado. They left Christmas day, and it has been nice without them. Sounds mean, but they are sooooo messy and create so much extra work for us.
I am floored at Lorena's s-i-l asking them to bring a Turkey. Insanity!
It sounds like you had a fantastic Christmas - your husband is so thoughtful and you seem to have a wonderful family - on both sides. My husband would just be like "You want new makeup brushes, buy them". He's sweet in other ways, he's just not gifty.
We went to my Mom's and it was fun. Mom wanted me to make a roast for Christmas (why roast, I don't know), deal was she bought it if I would cook it in the crock pot. BUT when I picked it up Friday she hadn't thawed it. A 4 lb roast does not thaw quickly! So I had to cook it in the oven and it was dry and I felt like I ruined Christmas dinner. Everyone was like "but the seasoning is so good" but I was still self conscience about it. They were nice and ate it anyway and even my step-nephews ate it so it must have been ok b/c they are incredibly picky for 3 & 5. All in all it was a good day, one of the best Christmases in awhile, everyone was nice and relaxed and no one argued. My dad was the most mellow I've ever seen him, it was great!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas!