Ah sometimes you fall into a time trap. Monday I was home sick from work, yesterday and today Dave had to leave much earlier than me so couldn't take my pictures and he seems to have the camera with a timer with him or waffle craigslisted it again.
But today I wore purple in solidarity to help with the awareness of gay and lesbian bullying among children, teens, young adults and adults.
(edited to include photo of my purple)

I wore purple shirt, tank, necklace and eyeshadow. (It was all I had or I would of worn more!)
One of my oldest friends, Steven who happens to also be gay is currently being the victim of a hate crimes in his hometown of Tilton NH and the police aren't doing ANYTHING ABOUT IT. He has lost his home and business because of the crimes. He doesn't feel safe in his own place of business and it is disgusting. People have made judgments on him as an individual because of his sexual orientation his entire life.I have known him for 25 years and all his life he has been bullied because he was "different" in the eyes of others. He has literally been beaten, called names and had his business defaced. Yeah you know how he is different? Because he is AWESOME. He is one of the kindest, sweetest people you would ever meet. He stood by my side on the playground and stood up for me others would pick on me even though he knew he would be targeted because of it. When he asks you "how are you doing today?" he actually wants to know. He is currently running to be a state representative and while the odds are stacked against him he wants his voice and the voice of other gays and lesbians to be heard.I wish I was a NH citizen so I could vote for him.
I gotta say seriously WHAT IS IT of anyone else's business who we decide to love? If you love a man, woman or both WHY does that make you less of an American Citizen who deserves rights? If you uphold the laws, pay your taxes and are kind to your fellow man it shouldn't matter who you love and you should be able to marry that person. My state of Massachusetts allows gay marriage. I don't know why in the same country it is legal in some spots but not others. Shameful.
You don't have to agree with me. I have friends that do not. But we are still able to have a mutually respectful relationship successfully. I ask the same of you. I think many people can agree though that it is not governments business who you love.
But today I wore purple in solidarity to help with the awareness of gay and lesbian bullying among children, teens, young adults and adults.
(edited to include photo of my purple)
I wore purple shirt, tank, necklace and eyeshadow. (It was all I had or I would of worn more!)
One of my oldest friends, Steven who happens to also be gay is currently being the victim of a hate crimes in his hometown of Tilton NH and the police aren't doing ANYTHING ABOUT IT. He has lost his home and business because of the crimes. He doesn't feel safe in his own place of business and it is disgusting. People have made judgments on him as an individual because of his sexual orientation his entire life.I have known him for 25 years and all his life he has been bullied because he was "different" in the eyes of others. He has literally been beaten, called names and had his business defaced. Yeah you know how he is different? Because he is AWESOME. He is one of the kindest, sweetest people you would ever meet. He stood by my side on the playground and stood up for me others would pick on me even though he knew he would be targeted because of it. When he asks you "how are you doing today?" he actually wants to know. He is currently running to be a state representative and while the odds are stacked against him he wants his voice and the voice of other gays and lesbians to be heard.I wish I was a NH citizen so I could vote for him.
I gotta say seriously WHAT IS IT of anyone else's business who we decide to love? If you love a man, woman or both WHY does that make you less of an American Citizen who deserves rights? If you uphold the laws, pay your taxes and are kind to your fellow man it shouldn't matter who you love and you should be able to marry that person. My state of Massachusetts allows gay marriage. I don't know why in the same country it is legal in some spots but not others. Shameful.
You don't have to agree with me. I have friends that do not. But we are still able to have a mutually respectful relationship successfully. I ask the same of you. I think many people can agree though that it is not governments business who you love.
My sister is gay. She has children. She was married. She is now happy being who she is. I support her and everyone of my other friends that are gay. I love them all!
Best line I have heard in a long while.
Thank you for writing such a wonderfully supportive post and including your thoughts about your friend. Being gay doesn't define him - being awesome does. Someday people will all agree on this point is my wish.
I didn't want to get into it in the post but I was a victim of bullies growing up. It got to the point that my parents had to talk to the police. I know what it is like to be on that end of it and I don't ever want to do that to anyone. I want to do my part in stopping others from doing it as well. Have you heard about the GROWN ADULTS bullying the dying child? Disgusting.
I don't think I ever bullied anyone but I know I am not innocent I admit that but I am working on myself and never had a problem admitting when I was in the wrong.
My second thought: "phew! I wore it by coincidence anyway"
Nothing to add really, except I totally agree. Of all the things to vilify in this world! I don't understand why some people try to insist that LOVING SOMEONE is criminal. It's so absurd.
You be looking fabulous in purple.
It is awful to hear what is happening to your friend. Its a story that seems to be too repetitive everywhere we look.
If we could just see past gender and see people....
Amen, sister! I totally agree with you on this. Will wear my purple tomorrow (I wish I'd known about this earlier) in solidarity.
P.S Your hair looks phenomenal!
P.S.- Your outfit and especially your hair were spot-on this day.