Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B

This morning there was this guy who stopped at the end of the street like 6 feet away and just STARED. Wicked rude. He wasn't staring and smiling. If he had been maybe that would of been OK.

So I had to give him something to stare at.


Then I thought this would be cute/witty. We do live on the water and all.


Then I realized I looked like a complete tart so I started singing Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy quietly and was dancing to it thinking that would save me.


Through all this Dave didn't ask once what I was doing. Ha. He just kept taking the pictures.
and because when I am overtired I can't stop moving I ended it by jumping off the curb.


And I am wearing these shoes.

marc jacobs sandals

That is not a recent photo if you haven't noticed I have "stock" accessories photos I plug in as needed. I always get questions on the manicure on this one. I don't remember even doing it but it's globby flowers so I am 93% sure I did it. I usually do it when I break a toe nail to cover up the split. (I broke my toe in highschool and the nail has never been the same)

This is the dress the lovely people at Shabby Apple gave me. Read about it and see cute pics here

I can update this with makeup photos if you are interested.

Sorry I didn't realize until I uploaded them but these are terrible makeup photos. I am home and makeup off now so it is all I got and I DID offer. bah.

For eyes Chanel Khaki on the outside third of eye and in crease and wet as liner on bottom lid. Entire lid up to crease MAC Shale and pink freeze in inner corner and bottom inneer 1/3 of lid.
Rouge Noir mascara by Chanel and Imaginare lipgloss. Blush is Benefit Cosmetics CORALista


Kelly said…
IF you wouldn't mind and IF it would be easy, I always like to see your makeup.

I love the title of this post :) My little brother and I share some CDs called "Songs that got us through WWII" and this is on there, it's so peppy! (Come to think of it, it's less "sharing" than "he borrowed my CDs and I never saw them again but I still have them on my ipod")
Cara said…
I love that dress! I've searched through countless vintage and second hand stores for vintage dresses - hoping to avoid paying the high price tag of vintage-inspired clothing, but I've never been successful. Every time you wear anything some what vintage-y and new, I always think I should just bite the bullet and invest!
Lisa said…
I bet that guy was staring at your dress. I would too, it's awesome and you look great in it. Even so that's still rather rude of him. I like your progression of faces/actions in response to him.

I always enjoy seeing your make-up, manicures, pedicures, and all those other fun details!
hillary said…
thanks ladies! I didn't realize how bad the detail photos were until it was too late. But I did update the post with makeup details.
Melissa said…
And now, I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the night. I probably won't be able to go to sleep. Thanks. ;)

Your toes look super pretty! I love the flowers. And the face to the staring guy. And the jumping picture.
C said…
There are a lot of reasons why I think you're fantastic, but this post pretty much sums them up. I want to hug you!
Anonymous said…
Oh, I do that same "overtired can't stop moving" thing -- in fact, I am doing it today, because I woke up at 2 a.m. with too much on my mind and couldn't get back to sleep. Had to watch bad tv and eat blackberry ice cream ...