uh dude

I am on the American Apparel website!


Kelly saidā€¦
That's awesome! I didn't know they took submissions like that at all!
Lisa saidā€¦
Congrats! That's so exciting!
Emily Kennedy saidā€¦
WHOA. Just like that, any old person can click and visit ByHillary. Woot!
Becky saidā€¦
Now they should send you free polish!
Heather saidā€¦
very cool.
Lorena saidā€¦
Congrats how cool....
My cousin is there too !
Chromatic Misadventures.
Natalie saidā€¦
Woo hoo! Man, I feel like a 'gripster' myself...
hillary saidā€¦
Natalie did you know one of my really good friends is the one who submited gripster to urban dictionary!

Lorena small world!
Tina saidā€¦
Fun fun fun!! I would have had a big grin on my face all day long.
t saidā€¦
