Leaf Him at the Alter Sephora by OPI REVIEW
This past weekend Dave and I went to Sephora. It is always much more fun when I bring him because he finds things I never would. This time because it was above my eye level!

Leaf Him at the Alter from the OPI for Sephora line. This color was featured in one of their mailers a month or two ago. I had actually been on the hunt of a green shimmer polish since I saw it. I bought a shimmer green from CVS last week that ended up being awful once I had it on. It was such a pretty color in the bottle and once I had it on Dave even agreed it just wasn't nice on. I promptly took it off. This color on the other hand is PERFECT. I feel a bit vain saying this but it is the color of my eyes. I took this photo two days after painting them. I almost always have chips within two days. No chips and no wear yet. It goes to show sometimes it doesn't pay to try and find something cheaper, just get the one you really want!
Leaf Him at the Alter from the OPI for Sephora line. This color was featured in one of their mailers a month or two ago. I had actually been on the hunt of a green shimmer polish since I saw it. I bought a shimmer green from CVS last week that ended up being awful once I had it on. It was such a pretty color in the bottle and once I had it on Dave even agreed it just wasn't nice on. I promptly took it off. This color on the other hand is PERFECT. I feel a bit vain saying this but it is the color of my eyes. I took this photo two days after painting them. I almost always have chips within two days. No chips and no wear yet. It goes to show sometimes it doesn't pay to try and find something cheaper, just get the one you really want!
And um, you're lucky..my boyfriend will so never go to Sephora with me..I mean, he would if I asked, but he'd be miserable so I won't ask. ;)