An outfit and a quiz

Another morning of outfit photos before Makeup. So I did what I dislike most and took a glasses photo.
I had no energy for my hair today. I had 5 hours sleep (I am one of those people who can not function on less than 6.5-7 I blame my anemia) I did my hair in Kasmira's Messy Girl Updo with two hair sticks. I haven't been able to wear my hair up much because it is so darn cold I have to wear a hat most days. Today the sun is out though!
Green steve cami H&M
Black shirt that has some little detail. Not so plain? Ann Taylor Loft
Sweater NY & CO
Skirt Target
Tights unsure
Shoes Aldo
Bangles various gifts. I have on 21 bracelets.
Oh and I do not have on teal tights like the shoe detail. I thought people knew but I still get comments. I reuse details photos. I have giant labeled sets of accessories, shoes and such and plug and play where needed. Always refer to the full length photo if you see something that confuses you.
I don't know what is up with this cardigan. I have it in this green, the neon orange and big bird yellow (not mustard) and they are all the same size. The orange is the only one that has been washed (or so I think) so why all a sudden is this one too small? Look at the sleeves! Maybe it went to the cleaners and I didn't realize. I partake in fluff and fold as a dubious luxury (yes that doesn't make sense SHUT UP)
You can see how it all hangs better here
it HAD to of shrunk
Whenever I post an outfit and quiz on the same day one gets love and the other doesn't. Hey I am human I put things out there because I want dialog and interaction (I do not need just praise like some people) Hey I like to hear you like your cat or what you had for dinner. I want to know how your day was it isn't a rhetorical question..
Quiz TIME!
Have you ever been camping?
Were you a boy/girl scout?
Do you sing in the car/shower?
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Ever ridden a horse?
Do you remember your dreams?
Can you speak any other language?
Do you have any hidden talents?
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
As always please COPY AND PASTE the questions into your answer so people can follow along and don't have to scroll.
Have you ever been camping?
Yes, although now that I think about it, the last time was in college! That was far too long ago. It was me and a group of girl friends and we went camping for a few days on someone's property so it wasn't a campground or anything and we camped at the PRETTIEST spot right by a river on a hill. I need to find those pictures again, because it was awesome.
Were you a boy/girl scout?
I was a Brownie for one year. Then I found out the girl scouts didn't do fun things like boy scouts did, so I quit.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
I sing in the car, not in the shower.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dinosaurs because they were real!
Ever ridden a horse?
Yes! We used to ride them at state parks on every summer vacation when I was growing up. I want to get BF up on a horse (he's never done it) but he isn't a fan of the idea.
Do you remember your dreams?
Only sometimes. Last night, I was trapped at an Italian train station and a group of bad guys kidnapped my brother. It was awful.
Can you speak any other language?
I took six years of Latin, I even minored in it and was the president of the honor society, but I am CRAP at it now because I'm so out of practice. I also took German for two years but I'm pretty bad at that too.
Do you have any hidden talents?
Not that I can think of!
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Well, I live right by my family and usually we all just meet at my parents' house. If I think my parents are coming over, I make sure the dishes are done. If my older brother is coming over, I put Traci outside because he hates dogs. My little brother requires no preparation :)
Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion!
Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion!
Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion!
Have you ever been camping?
Yes. Lots when I was a kid, moderate amounts as a teen/twenty something, not a ton since I got into my thirties.
Were you a boy/girl scout?
Nope. I was in 4-h for a year, though.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
YES. I'm one of those people who you make fun of when you see them on the freeway because I sing loudly and put on little performances in the car.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Ever ridden a horse?
Yes. The woman who gave birth to me raised horses and trained them for a living, so I had horses till I was about 15. I was on a horse from the time I was 3 and I even helped birth one when I was about 9 or 10.
Do you remember your dreams?
Can you speak any other language?
Very very broken French.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I immediately thought something crude. I'm just gonna say "no".
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
OK that is going on my "can you be my friend" questionnaire.
Have you ever been camping?
Yes, I used to go camping all the time with Girl Scouts (damn I gave away my answer to the next question!) and with my family; however, I haven't been camping for a LONG time. Probably 6 or more years.
Were you a boy/girl scout? Yes I was! I was a Girl Scout from the age 5 to 17. I only got as far as my Silver Award, but I am surprisingly handy in the wilderness.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
When I had a car, I would sing in it all the time! So, now I sing in the shower if my roommates aren't home. Sometimes I sing for my boyfriend if he makes me. He sings for me all the time...I love his singing voice. :)
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dragons! They're sparklier, duh.
Ever ridden a horse?
Yep! Probably only like 10 times though.
Do you remember your dreams?
It depends. Usually, no, but sometimes I have dreams I can remember for years!
Can you speak any other language?
I can speak elementary Spanish. I can understand mostly anything written in Spanish though. Not good with the speaking/hearing.
Do you have any hidden talents?
Ummm, my elbows invert if I extend my arm all the way and it freaks people out. That counts, right?
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
The very first thing? Give hugs and kisses. Then go eat. We're big into the eating.
Have you ever been camping?
Yes a quadbillion times. That was my families "vacation"
Were you a boy/girl scout?
yes I was! from 7 to 13.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
Well I am strictly a "is driven" by someone else person but I definitely sing in the car. Loud and often. I sing in the shower too. I usually make songs up about Waffle as she sits on the ledge and watches me shower. (it isn't as weird as it sounds)
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
DINOSAURS but don't tell skorch.
I love me some dinosaurs and I gave dave a good talking to when his Gondwanaland project last semester didn't mention a single dinosaur.
Ever ridden a horse?
Yes and I freaked my shit out. A guy I dated had a bunch. He put me on the "twitchy mean one" and I got scared and started screaming. Now if it was a unicorn I might of been ok.
Do you remember your dreams?
Yes I had a fucked up one the other night that kinda made me think I would be a bad mom. I had one last week RObert Downey made me a mixed tape.
Can you speak any other language?
I can ask how you are in Russian.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can pick things up with my toes.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Is it my family? Clean like a fool and hide shit (things I paid too much for) if it's dave's family I make him do the ugly cleaning and I make sure to put shoes by the door. WE DON'T ALLOW SHOES IN OUR HOUSE TAKE THEM OFF I also light a candle. I fear it smells like kittens.
Quiz TIME!
Have you ever been camping? Yes! I love camping. I'm from the Adirondacks in NY so it was easy to run off into the woods and sleep out all night. One of my aunts has a lot of property that we built a camping area with a lean-to on so there were a lot of summers spent there too.
Were you a boy/girl scout? I was a brownie, but only for a year because my town was so small we only had a brownie leader and it was too far to go to girl scouts
Do you sing in the car/shower? In the car, yes sometimes. Not so much singing in the shower
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? I'd say dragons just because they're cooler. They can fly! They breathe fire! or something...
Ever ridden a horse? Yes. It scares me
Do you remember your dreams? No - I dont think I sleep long enough to have dreams
Can you speak any other language? Took French all through high school so a little of that, a little Spanish from college and I've tried teaching myself italian and german so a smattering of those, but now not enough of any to hold a conversation. I plan on reviewing to brush up this summer.
Do you have any hidden talents?
If I do I can never remember them when someone asks me this question
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? When my family comes to visit its always to go to a craft fair in my city. My mom has never been to my apt., which I'm fine with since I dont control the state of the general living space oh wait, any space.
Have you ever been camping? Too many times to count.
Were you a boy/girl scout? A brownie.
Do you sing in the car/shower? I talk to myself in both locales.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? Dinosaurs--no fire hazard.
Ever ridden a horse? Yes, but I am very allergic to them and my eyes swell up like pingpong balls.
Do you remember your dreams? Yes.
Can you speak any other language? French.
Do you have any hidden talents? I don't hide my talents.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? Buy food.
Were you a boy/girl scout? I did brownies for about two years
Do you sing in the car/shower? both, especially in the car. The other drivers probably think I'm crazy.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
maybe a dragon to wander around and keep me warm
Ever ridden a horse?
yep, but not for a long time, sadly
Do you remember your dreams?
yes, they have been very weird lately
Can you speak any other language?
I can read Spanish, but I can't really put a sentence together on my own anymore
Do you have any hidden talents?
not really
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
vacuum and then make tacos
So I will indulge but I am sure that my answers will not be as funny as you.
Have you ever been camping? Not really. I am a city gurl. I dont do well with out the major ammenities, like running water and electricity. OH WAIT!! I did go "pseudo camping" one time. But it was so phony.
Were you a boy/girl scout? Nope. Well, maybe. I think I was in it for like one day and never went back. Who knows why.
Do you sing in the car/shower? ALLLLLLL the TIME!! I love to sing. But I CANT sing at all. Who cares. Its one of those things that I do that makes ME happy! so i song.. la la laaaaaaaa
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Hmmmmm... I cant really decide. they both are pretty scarey to me. I will go with Dinosaurs, only because of Jurassic Park (But then again, maybe I will pick Dragons because of Shrek, lol!)
Ever ridden a horse? Yup. But those have been pretty phony too. I say that because it was always on a dinky trail with some skinny horse (the horses on our honeymoon were the worst I had ever seen. they look so sickly. but they were strong).
Do you remember your dreams? Most of the time. Especially the scary ones. And then I call my sister no matter what the time, so I can tell her about it. She never forgets.
Can you speak any other language? Well, I too took Latin (2 yrs)and German (1 yrs). And I also took Japanese (3yrs maybe 4 yrs). But I cant really speak any of it.
Do you have any hidden talents? hmmm, i think i will keep them hidden
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? Clean the kitchen. its usually a mess. And then I pull out the bottle of wine.
Have you ever been camping?
Yes, but I see no reason to sleep on the ground now that we have houses.
Were you a boy/girl scout?
I was a Brownie!
Do you sing in the car/shower?
I sing everywhere!
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dude, dragons, totally. Cause they could be here now...umm, if I believed in fantasy stuff like that.
Ever ridden a horse?
My dad was/is a cowboy. I first rode alone (not being led) when I was six.
Do you remember your dreams?
Usually at least bits and pieces, if not whole chunks.
Can you speak any other language?
Nope. Three years of French, two of Latin, and I don't remember enough.
Do you have any hidden talents?
If I told you they wouldn't be hidden.
Your family is coming to visit what's the first thing you do?
Hide everything my niece and nephew could (lovingly)destroy.
Have you ever been camping?
Once when I was 20 and my boyfriend told me it would be fun. It wasn't fun no matter how much I drank. It was hot, scary, uncomfortable and the bathroom was way too far away. Now the closet thing I do to camping is roughing it at a less than 4 star hotel!
Were you a boy/girl scout?
Nope, my mom had to work late on Mondays (when the meetings were) and there was no one to take me/pick me up.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
Car - yes loudly and proudly
Shower - I'm usually still asleep while showering to sing
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dinos - they remind me of the Flintstones which I loved as a kid.
Ever ridden a horse?
Yes, my neighbors while growing up had a horse farm. It was great!
Do you remember your dreams?
No, unless it is scary and wakes me up.
Can you speak any other language?
Estamos aquà para la cerveza frÃa por favor.
and that is where it ends despite 4 years of Spanish in HS/College (I actually changed my major just so I wouldn't have to take more than a year of foreign language in college)
Do you have any hidden talents?
No, I prefer to share all of my talents with the world.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Book their hotel rooms
Once in 8th grade. When I came home, my cat had died, so I've never been camping since.
Were you a boy/girl scout?
I was a Brownie for a week in 1st grade, but quite because I didn't like playing Mother May I or the snacks our leader fed us.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
Definitely in the car. Not so much the shower, as I shower at 4:40 AM and am barely conscious, let alone musical.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dinosaurs because I like their nickname- Jesus ponies.
Ever ridden a horse?
Oh heck yeah. I used to be able to stand up on a moving one.
Do you remember your dreams?
Every now again, but not consistently.
Can you speak any other language?
French! And after 8 yrs. of French classes, I finally get to go to Paris this summer.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can weld.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Run around the house, tidying like a mad woman.
Have you ever been camping? yes - when i was a little girl, my family went all the time.
Were you a boy/girl scout? no - i was a Blue Bird which i think is like the lowest level, and that was as far as I went.
Do you sing in the car/shower? car - yes (only when i'm alone). shower - no. i'm a terrible singer.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? Umm; ? dinosaurs?
Ever ridden a horse? yes
Do you remember your dreams? sometimes
Can you speak any other language? i have a minor in German, but that was a few years ago; have forgotten so much of it.
Do you have any hidden talents? hmm, not really. no sense in hiding anything. :-)
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? freak out, then CLEAN!!
yes, but im not really a camping kinda gal. never had a good experience...
Were you a boy/girl scout?
i was a brownie when i was little. quit right before i made it to juniors. i wanted to be a boy scout instead!
Do you sing in the car/shower?
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
dragons. because DUH!
Ever ridden a horse?
im not great at it, but yes!
Do you remember your dreams?
not always, but i usually try to remember the good ones.
Can you speak any other language?
je parle un petit peu de francais...
Do you have any hidden talents?
i can pop my jaw. LOUD.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Now on to the quiz:
Have you ever been camping? Yes as a child, I was forced to go and now as an adult I am forcing my fella to go.
Were you a boy/girl scout? On my honor I will try (that's all I remember) and never sold enough cookies to go to camp but I have 2 sashes (still) worth of badges.
Do you sing in the car/shower? both b/c I think I'm Janet Jackson
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? Dragons b/c they breathe FI-YA!
Ever ridden a horse?
do the carousels count?
Do you remember your dreams?
In living color.
Can you speak any other language?
Sprechen zie deutsch - and that's about all the German I remember.
Do you have any hidden talents?
They are hidden.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Have a great weekend.
Have you ever been camping? Yes oh yes.
Were you a boy/girl scout? I was a brownie for about a minute.
Do you sing in the car/shower? I sing whenever no one is listening. And in front of my hubby.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? DRAGONS! Because I like fantasy role-playing games.
Ever ridden a horse? Yes for about a minute as well.
Do you remember your dreams? I'm getting better about this as I've gotten older. Sometimes yes.
Can you speak any other language? Un peu francais. Un poco espanol.
Do you have any hidden talents? Not really.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? Pretend it's not happening.
Were you a boy/girl scout? I was a brownie and a guide. I have no fond memories... just memories of rainy tents and bad trail mix. I do still have my uniform somewhere, and in my mind it still fits me, in a non-slutty way.
Do you sing in the car/shower? Yes, I've finally been able to resume that practice! For the longest time, after Scott and I started dating, and then after we moved in together, I was petrified of singing if he could hear me, and he always seemed to be around. However, now that we're engaged, I've unlocked my vocal cords, and am constantly singing.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? Up until a couple days ago, it would have been dinosaurs. However, my mother-in-law to be was going through her house, and mentioned that she had a few cookie jars for me, if I wanted one. While I was expecting some rather boring ones, there was a pink dragon cookie jar which I just had to have. It doesn't match a single thing in my kitchen, but it's so friggin' adorable.
Ever ridden a horse? I was on one for about 2 minutes in grade 4, and I think that was it. I'd really love to actually ride one!
Do you remember your dreams? Parts of them, and generally the disturbing parts, like my father convincing me to take the side of my brother-in-law and not my sister if they divorced... or the father driving into a lake with his children in his truck. Hmm... I'm starting to wonder if I have subconscious father issues...
Can you speak any other language?
I speak French, and a touch of sign language
Do you have any hidden talents?
I knit, but that's not so hidden. I can make frog noises with my throat.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? My family or my in-laws? Wait... it doesn't matter... panickedly clean every visible portion of my house, and every non-visible portion, if there's time... you never know who might be snooping where.
I love the quizzes!
Have you ever been camping? Too often to count. Hubby loves the outside.
Were you a boy/girl scout? Neither, but I wanted to be a Cub Scout like my brothers.
Do you sing in the car/shower? Car
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? Dinos. Having two little boys does that to you.
Ever ridden a horse? Hubby required it before the wedding day. That and shooting a shotgun.
Do you remember your dreams? Mostly.
Can you speak any other language? French, on a good day. You'd think after studying it for 12 years, it would come easier.
Do you have any hidden talents? I make my own paperback books.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? Hug and kiss and cry and laugh.
Have you ever been camping?
Only as a brownie/girl guide). I don't like roughing it!
Were you a boy/girl scout?
Yup, I was a Brownie and Girl Guide (in Bermuda) for about 6 years.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
I definitely sing along to the music in the car. I used to sing in the shower all the time, but now I hardly ever do. I'm not sure why.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dinosaurs. No fire.
Ever ridden a horse?
Yup, I used to have riding lessons every Saturday for several years.
Do you remember your dreams?
Almost never. Occasionally I'll remember when i first wake up, but usually by the time I'm fully awake I've forgotten.
Can you speak any other language?
No, though I wish I could.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can also pick up stuff with my toes.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Shove as much stuff as possible under my bed and in the closet!
Quiz TIME!
Have you ever been camping?
Oh goodness, yes. My fam and I used to go almost every weekend in the summer when I was growing up. I miss it dearly.
Were you a boy/girl scout?
I was a girl scout for one year, in a troop with a whopping 3 people. We didn't have much going for us.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
Car yes, shower no!
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
DINOSAURS. They're both awesome monsters, but dinos are real REAL. It's crazy.
Ever ridden a horse?
For growing up in the Rockies, I've only ever been on a horse a couple of times. HOnestly, horses TERRIFY me.
Do you remember your dreams?
Yep, almost every day.
Can you speak any other language?
Spanish, a bit of Portuguese, and a wisp of Italian.
Do you have any hidden talents?
Unfortunately, no. I've always wished for one, but I don't think that's how it works!
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Eat dinner with them at a restaurant I couldn't otherwise afford. :)
Yes ~ way too much~ HATED every second~ Mightah enjoyed if I wasn't the one doing the cooking~ washing dishes in pond water~ watching the kids while the men~ drink and do whatever they please
Were you a boy/girl scout?
Brownie and a Girl scout
Do you sing in the car/shower?
Both~ Hillary can tell you~ I sing loudly and out of tune~ sang to her while driving her to school all the while she was ~Not too happy with me
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dinosaurs~ because I'd want to tame it and add it to my collection of animal children
Ever ridden a horse? Yes~ Went to girl scout camp and took riding lessons~ then as adult went riding by the hour
Do you remember your dreams? Yes all the time~ the other night I had one where I went to buy a coffee~ they have me a half a cup and had 2% instead of cream and when I complained they got all pissy like I wanted too much~ full cup and CREAM people~
Can you speak any other language?
Yes Naughty words in Thia ~ had a Thia boyfriend growing up
Do you have any hidden talents?
If there hidden I haven't found them
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Clean like a fool But totally love it ~it's the only time house get spit shined
Have you ever been camping? Quite a bit, we used to go on these daddy/daughter campouts when I was little.
Were you a boy/girl scout? I was a girl scout for a few years.
Do you sing in the car/shower? Sometimes in the car when I'm listening to music instead of a book. Not so much in the shower.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? Dragons because dinosaurs include velociraptors and I am not down with velociraptors
Ever ridden a horse? I rode from age 8 to about 14 and I'd love to get back into it.
Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes
Can you speak any other language? Well I took French and Spanish but I only speak a tiny bit of Spanish
Do you have any hidden talents? Nope
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? Put away anything embarrassing.
1.) No I've never been camping and hopefully will never have to go.
2.) Nope.
3.) I sing in the shower and in the car if I'm driving by myself.
4.) DRAGONS! Because fantasy books are awesome.
5.) Nope, I'm afraid of horses.
6.) Yes, I have really vivid bizarre dreams.
7.) Yes, German.
8.) I'm a really good writer, but I wouldn't call it hidden...
9.) Ask which relatives are visiting, there are those I like and dislike.
My family did come to visit yesterday and there was from frantic cleaning done!
Have you ever been camping? Many times. I made a rule, though, only to go to campgrounds with hot showers. I don't do well without.
Were you a boy/girl scout? I was a brownie for five seconds.
Do you sing in the car/shower? Yes. Loudly and off-key. I usually sing something from kd lang. Did I mention off-key?
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? Dragons. Because of Puff the Magic Dragon, silly. I wanted to ride on Puff's back and fight pirate kings.
Ever ridden a horse? Yes. And bareback behind my high school friend, hanging on for dear life as we cantered around her grampa's farm. I couldn't walk for days.
Do you remember your dreams? Yes. And they are WEIRD!!!
Can you speak any other language? 2 of them fairly fluently and one I only remember in smatterings.
Do you have any hidden talents? I was going to say procrastination, but I don't think that's a surprise to anyone!!!!
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? Open a bottle of something to calm my nerves? And then rush around vaccuuming up dog hair!
Now on to the quiz:
Have you ever been camping? Nope, I live in Louisiana. Have no urge to fight the bug population for my hard won blood.
Were you a boy/girl scout?
Do you sing in the car/shower?
All of the above. Loudly.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dragons. I'd love to have one. "Oh, you wanna get rowdy at my house... please consider the fire-breathing dragon and rectify your behavior".
Ever ridden a horse?
Yep. Many times.
Do you remember your dreams?
On occasion.
Can you speak any other language?
I can muddle my way through a bit of Spanish.
Do you have any hidden talents?
None that I have discovered as of yet.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Ensure there is TP in the guest bathroom.
Have you ever been camping? Yes, but I'm not a happy camper. Luckily, my husband isn't a camper either, so we've never been as a family.
Were you a boy/girl scout? Nope. Just a fan of the cookies.
Do you sing in the car/shower? I sing in the car more than the shower.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why? I guess dragons.
Ever ridden a horse? Yes, but my legs were too short for the straps so I kept sliding to the side. Kinda freaky.
Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes, but rarely.
Can you speak any other language? I used to speak Spanish, but I overheard some women at the store the other day and realized I didn't understand much of it anymore.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can recite my 1st grade roll call still. And I'm old, so that's quite an accomplishment.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Start cleaning like crazy. I don't think they're aware of what a slob I am.
Have you ever been camping?
Yes, hundreds of times! Love it.
Were you a boy/girl scout?
I was a brownie for a few years.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
The car, loudly and off key.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dinosaurs kinda bore me. Dragons have magical powers!
Ever ridden a horse?
I went to horse camp for a few years in middle school. I hate that it feels so unnatural to ride a horse now!
Do you remember your dreams? Rarely, but if I do they're CRAZY weird.
Can you speak any other language? I wish! I've studied French and Russian, but am nowhere near fluent.
Do you have any hidden talents? I need to come up with a stock answer for questions like this - I can never think of any in the moment!
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do? Clean!!!
Have you ever been camping?
yes! i love camping. except, only short camping trips and one where there are showers and toilets near by.
Were you a boy/girl scout?
no but i was a campfire girl for about a year.
Do you sing in the car/shower?
yes, whenever the mood strikes me.
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
i don't know, aren't both of those for boys? :p
Ever ridden a horse?
yes, years ago. i liked it but it always hurt my butt afterward.
Do you remember your dreams?
yeah but a lot of the time i dream about mundane every day things.
Can you speak any other language?
a little francais.
Do you have any hidden talents?
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
clean the house!
And now, the quizzy quiz.
Have you ever been camping?
Yes, on school trips, but I want this to change. I'm hoping to plan a camping trip to Yosemite this Summer!
Were you a boy/girl scout?
I was a brownie for like a day before the group disbanded. Not sure what happened there...
Do you sing in the car/shower?
I loooove to sing in my car. Anytime I'm by myself (or with people who won't judge me or like to sing along too) I love to rock out. I do it all... sing along with the music loud not really concentrating on how I sound, turn the music down and try to sound all awesome and shit, and sometimes I'll even go acapella (alone of course). I love to sing, and in my wildest fantasies would be a famous lesbian country singer!
Dinosaurs or dragons? and why?
Dragons because of Harry Potter. Duh.
Ever ridden a horse?
Yes, at Camp Hollywoodland as a child.
Do you remember your dreams?
Sometimes... um like the one I had last night which I won't mention again because I feel like a creepster!
Can you speak any other language?
I can get by with my Spanish... I was the bomb at it in high school, but years of hardly using it has sucked out all of my vocab.
Do you have any hidden talents?
Hmmm none that I can think of.
Your family is coming to visit whats the first thing you do?
Clean my apartment and hide anything sex related! Ha, I hope my mom isn't reading this :)