It was Mrs. Blue with the wooden shoe in the hallway

Blue and white Gingham shirt with front ruffle Gap
Lace cami Banana Republic
Highwaist skirt American Apparel
Suspenders Dorothy's Costume
Hat Dorothy's Costume
Shabooties Nine West
Bracelets, two heart ones gift from husband, Turquoise is a Celiac Awareness and the Pandora I bought myself and some charms and others were gifted
Necklace Gift
Shirt, hat, necklace detail
Picture 201
Picture 203
Picture 204
nine west shabooties grey suede gray
Makeup Alice in Wonderland palette by Urban Decay.I have White Rabbit over entire lid and Alice in the outer corner. I lined it with blue liner from the palette on top and bottom and then I sweeped MAC Solar White over the entire thing to make it shine opaly. For blush I have the pink from the MAC Hello Kitty Collection from last winter. Lips I have a milky pink Dazzlecreme (I forget the color name and I forgot it on the counter at home) My brows are done with Benefit Brows a-go-go

Do you guys like the linking to the products? I don't benefit from them and they take extra time looking them up but I get so many makeup questions I thought it might be helpful for you guys? Yah or Nay? I don't mind doing it but I don't want to do it if no one cares. Know what I'm sayin? Because I know what it is already. I own it!

What did you do this weekend?

Dave is VERY sick. He got poisoned we think this weekend. Poor thing has been sick since Saturday afternoon and he is home right now. OH SNAP I need to check out kitten cam I can spy on him!
OK checked. He must be in bed because he isn't in living room.

If you are interested in winning a Flat Iron please enter my giveaway. I will be randomly selecting a winner on Friday.


david saidā€¦
i had professor plum, dernit.
i really like the ensemble - it's done very well and not at all cutsey (you know if someone explained the concept it could sound like too much)
Emily B. saidā€¦
I love that you link to the makeup because I often use your palettes as inspiration - and on more than one occasion I have bought something that you liked (the benefit concealer is one that comes to mind).

I am really really sorry that Dave got glutenized. That is agony that I totally and completely understand. I hope he stays warm, sleeps lots and that the pain and brain fog go away soon.
C saidā€¦
Um, I adore adore adore this outfit! It seems very Alice in Wonderland inspired, and not just from the makeup!

Also, I hope Dave feels better soon. Sounds awful.
Suzi Q saidā€¦
Yikes~ sorry Davie is sick~ keep me posted ~ Love me
EvaNadine saidā€¦
i love when bloggers link to makeup and outfit pieces that are still buy-able -- that way, if i like something i see and want to try it out, i can be sure i am getting the same item/product. with a name, i can at least hunt it down if i want it, but i wont be guaranteed its the same thing...
Anonymous saidā€¦
Eek! What a fantastic silhouette!
Beck, At Her Best saidā€¦
Love this! I've been wanting suspenders myself for months now but seems like its so hard to find the "right" type. The blue gingham is super cute, too.

What color is that on your nails? or did I miss it in your post.

Hope your Dave feels better soon, thats terrible to hear about getting poisoned.
hillary saidā€¦
It was limited edition so I didn't link to it. Also honestly I didn't think of it!
It is shelter island by Essie.
KayeStar saidā€¦
I like the linking... in fact i clicked on one before i even got to your question asking about it.

There is something about this outfit that just clicks. I love it, I especially love the shirt, hat, neckalce picture. Not sure why, but i just do.

My guys was sick this weekend too, we couldn't figure out if he had food poisoning or was fighting off the beginning of the flu. He started felling icky right after dinner and Avatar Saturday night. Luckily today he is better and I hope Dave starts feeling better as well.
Chan @ Chanmeleon saidā€¦
Hope Dave feels better soon! Food poisoning is the pits.

Loving this outfit. Do you use hair pins to keep your hat on or does it stay on its own?
hillary saidā€¦
Thanks everyone!

When I say poisoned I realize now not everyone knows what that means. He accidentally got Gluten somewhere. He has an autoimmune disease called Celiac (it is NOT an allergy) and his entire body starts attacking itself. I wish it was just stomach. He gets disoriented and stuff too.

I have worn this combo a lot before. I need a new one of this skirt. It is definitely one of my personal faves.
Heather saidā€¦
I'm liking the links and hoping Dave feels better soon!
Kelly saidā€¦
I'm not so much into the makeup links (just because I have so much makeup already but I usually default to the same 5 products so I'm trying to stop buying so much that I rarely use!) but I love links to outfit items on any blog, because if I like something or want to know more about it it's a big help.

But Hillary, I LOVE this outfit. And the makeup. Love everything. It's very cute and somethign about it seems pinuppy especially with your signature pose!

Is that GAP shirt new? I love it, I'm trying to figure out if it's worth a trip to the mall to try to find it or if it's too old for me to hope.
Anonymous saidā€¦
#1 DONE (well, it was done a long time ago but yeah)
Anonymous saidā€¦
#2 DONE!
Kelly saidā€¦
Oh and this weekend...BF and I went north again to work on his car again. I napped while the guys worked in the garage, then we went out for Chinese. BF and I were going to go to an engagement party but there were complications with the car and we ended up unable to drive home until it was too late to go. I was so bummed. But then we stayed home and played Nintendo and watched Benjamin Button.

Sunday we went to look at a house (NOT buying it - gross and dirty and way overpriced), had brunch, saw Planet 51 at the cheapy movies (yeah I know it's a kids' movie but we thought it would still be fun in a Pixar kids movie sort of way...but it wasn't that great), then came home and played around on our laptops for several hours.
Anonymous saidā€¦
#3 DONE!
hillary saidā€¦
Kelly MOST my clothes are over a year plus old. If it is new or they still make it (like my skirt which is 3 years old but they still carry it) I link it. This shirt is about 2 years old.
hillary saidā€¦
CLO what?
Anonymous saidā€¦
Aww poor Dave! Being poisoned is NOT a good way to start the week. Hope he feels better SOON!!

As for this outfit, I am so in love with it look absolutely adore, your make-up is gorgeous, and I want those boots!

Kelly saidā€¦
Thanks! I figured you would have linked to it if it was online, but if you had gotten it recently I was going to hope I could still find it on a sales rack or something. Oh well!
Adeline saidā€¦
love the polish! could you tell me what color that is? thanks -Adeline
Adeline saidā€¦
love the polish! could you tell me what color that is? thanks -Adeline
hillary saidā€¦
see comments above.
Emily Kennedy saidā€¦
Gorgeous as always. I particularly love your eye shadow. Super rad, so it's probably a good thing you post the links.
Andrea saidā€¦
no, you're cute! i'm really loving your blue accents in this photo and that pretty blue shadow :) love this!
Lisa saidā€¦
I love the whole outfit and the nail polish. Miss Scarlet was always my favorite Clue character. I tried to have a Clue themed party once but nobody really got into it (except for me of course).

Sorry to hear Dave got sick. One of my friends has Celiacs and I've seen how miserable she is when she gets gluten. I hope he feels better soon.
Kristen saidā€¦
I want links to your shabooties!
hillary saidā€¦
They aren't for sale on the site anymore. I got them back about 4 months ago. Check your local nine west maybe they still have them in the winter clearance stuff?

thanks everyone I love the blue too. I really do plan to do an Alice review but it involves lots of pics and I need Dave to take them but he has been sick.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I love the shirt and it looks so cute with the suspenders!
Chelsea saidā€¦
first, I love that you are rocking part of a costume in a totally stylish way... and suspenders at that! that is ADVANCED styling in my humble opinion, and you're freakin' rockin' it fo sho!

my weekend was busy and fun and over :( but I'm going to Miami next weekend for my exstepdad's wedding... yeehaw!
hillary saidā€¦
Dave professor plum was TUESDAY you werent far off.

Emily we are now leaning towards stomach flu because it hasn't let up in 4 days.

Clare I do have an alice in wonderland costume....

farmgirl. You've been posted. mwaaaaah
yeah guys farmgirl is my mum!

evanadine. I try to when I can but I don't have a ton of new stuff.

sal thanks

kayestar hope they are doing better. Dave hasn't improved so we think it is a stomach flu now.

heather and the links like you too!

amy nine west in faneuil hall had them a few weeks ago....

emily kennedy thanks

brooklyn shoe babe that is my goal in life. If not french gamine then bonnie parker!

andrea no YOUR cute

lisa miss scarlet was mine too!

jumpbude thanks

chelsea. the costume shop has all kinda of weird treasures. The hat and suspenders are from there and I have heart sunglasses and all kinds of weird goodies. I lived in Miami for 4 years. It is a great time of year to go!

Thanks so much everyone for reading and taking the time to say something!
Lorena saidā€¦
This is SOO cute On yoU!