My flag of doubt is unfurled

Turtleneck H&M
Skirt New York and Co
Leggings Newport News
Boots Merrell
Sweater Ann Taylor Loft
Necklace Banana Republic
I have received a lot of questions about my hair. It is SO painfully simple. You start a braid at the top of your head and think like you are going to french braid but ONLY grab from the front when you are adding and only do it until you reach your ear. Then just braid normal. There are hundreds of videos online on how to french braid. This takes maybe a minute then I throw the rest in a ponytail.
Today is the longest day in history. I don't know how I am going to make it to 4:00pm. Today is Dave's last day of the semester. I should be excited but I know it doesn't mean the work ends. His portfolio is Due Jan 1. He will probably spend our only vacation this year working on it. Lets hope Santa brings me things to play with. If he tries to give me that slightly used kitty again.... Speaking of Waffle we made her a stocking about a week ago and on two separate occasions things have ended up in HER stocking. First it was a cupcake ornament. (her stocking has a picture of a cupcake on it. It is like SHE KNOWS) and the last thing was a tiny box of ummm (shit he reads this... umm) it was a present for a Brit friend of mine. I think she fears Santa isn't bringing her anything so she is giving herself presents. Dave does keep threatening her that if she doesn't behave... Daisy on the other hand has been on exceptionally good behavior.
yeah I got nothing of huge value for you today. Looking for new glasses online. I hate most glasses (yes I said hate. Strong word for me) I would just put new lenses in mine but mine have a few issues (namely chewed temples. Thanks Daisyboo).

I think I found a pair. Now if I can find them cheaper. $400 for frames is a bit steep. (My lenses MY COST after discount were $650 last time)
What are you doing for Christmas? Going anywhere?
I mentioned before but we are heading up to NH with kitten and LOTS of laundry in tow. (hey it's not like I want them to wash it for me. I just want to use their washer. I HATE laundromats. I hate dragging it down the street to the laundromat in the middle of winter even more. City living! Yeah!)
I really like the long cardigan and skirt look for you. It's got a very slim and flattering appeal.
In the past few years I haven't gone anywhere for christmas because my mom comes to Chicago, but Nick and I always do our own Christmas thing when he comes back from Louisville. We try to get outta town between Christmas and New Year's as a result. This year we're trying to choose between a few quaint southern WI towns.
Have fun in NH! I hope Santa is awfully good to you all!
I'm staying put this Christmas. Our families came for Thanksgiving and will be back next month for our wedding. Plus, we are going to a big conference in San Diego the first week of January, so it made sense to not spend more money on travel right now.
I hope Santa treats you well!
I'm going up to BF's family (a few hours away) on xmas eve and for xmas morning, then driving back home for xmas dinner with my family. And it looks like there will be freezing rain that day so, it will be a barrel of fun.
I'll have to take before/after pics
I'm going to spend both Xmas Eve and Xmas unpacking boxes and cleaning our new house. BOO.
color combination
I wish I could braid my hair
like that, you make it sound so
simple... maybe I will include it as one
of my new year's resolutions... for Christmas
I will spend it with family and be home by midnight
so I can be with my dogs. On the 25th I will have people over for lunch-dinner, mostly friends... hope you have a good one. Before I go I have to say that you are one of my fave bloggers and that I have grateful to have encountered you on
this bloguniverse. Happy Holiday s ;)
And I can't french braid so I still have no idea what you are saying. LOL!~
i'm getting new glasses soon... exciting!