He ate my heart.

Camera died this morning mid photos.
So remember how I hurt my foot? Yeah well wearing boots the last two days? BAD IDEA it hurts worse now then it did the day after I did it. Now I am going against my own fashion no nos.
Boots They were a gift from my dad a few years ago. LL Bean (I know I know I HATE uggs. I KNOW) They are literally the only thing that doesn't hurt and I refused to wear with a dress or skirt. When I am standing you can't even tell. See below.
Trousers Gap
Turtleneck ruched shirt Target
Moto jackety thing Forever 21
Ring MFA store
Earrings I made
Cowl. Gift from the Amazing Daphne of Dlittlegarden the blog and Jean C'est Quoi of Flickr fame! The yarn was from Mamichan also of Flickr! Its called Water Lilies like the Monet painting! It couldn't be more perfect for me.
See you almost can't tell.
We are working halfdays today and driving up to New Hampsha to my grandmothers. We are taking Waffle with us. This could be bad. She isn't what you would call a "well behaved" kitten. She is part terror part pure angel. But she does hang from the drapes and steal clothes from laundry and get in the sink and lick dishes. Here is hoping she turns on the charm. We are also hoping Daisyboo will enjoy a few days peace all to herself. Waffle kinda bullies her. She jumps on her back from up high and tries to bite her neck. She thinks she is a tiny flying vampire. She used to do it to her black kitten litter mate Osita when she was a tiny kitten even.
I haven't even packed. I have to run home and do it all quickly before its mass exodus from the city.
I have easily listened to Lady Gaga's new album 20 times since it came out on Monday. It is just a perfect thing to listen to at work. The only problem is trying to not get caught chair dancing. That and the odd looks from my husband as I randomly sing "He ate my heart"
What is your favorite album at the moment?
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your foot gets to feeling better.
Waffle has such a stylish mommy!
I just got that same jacket - but in black - on Black Friday !!
I like yours better though--