Don't call my name

Someone only had 20 minutes to get ready and give the cat her compresses. Someone fell asleep on the couch after the alarm and forgot to wake me up. Said cat saved the day and woke the couch sleeper up.
Turtleneck (under sweater) H&M
Sweater Gap
Leggings Gap
Gold and black brocade skirt SJP Steve and Barry's
Boots Merrell from LL Bean
Necklace Avon
Earrings from my mom
Glass ring Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shop
My back detail is totally blown out. I was facing a window (photography no no) but I was playing with it in potatoshop and I kinda dug it blown out even more. I was just trying to show the back seam in the sweater and my hair.
I find mini skirts and long sweaters both hard to wear on their own but Iike them together for some odd reason. (shush I told you I rewear things similar all the time)
I really hope to do a big closet cleanout this long weekend. I really want to get rid of anything I don't wear or doesn't fit. I don't know why it is so hard! I also have a bunch of missing items that have to be there! I just know it!
I am getting nervous about Thanksgiving. I am one of the few people in the USA that doesn't like Thanksgiving. I don't like the food or the smell of it. I like giving thanks and being with family though. I used to do multiple Thanksgivings but luckily we do one now. I have a tradition with my dad where we listen to Alice's Restaurant. I remember sitting in his VW Bug on the side of the road trying to listen to it on the radio before we got to gram's house.
Christmas? That I love. I love everything about it. I got married at Christmas time. I love being in New England for Christmas. The few I spent in Florida were so surreal to me. Christmas = cold in my mind, snow is just bonus. I have always had to do more than one Christmas due to my parents splitting up and grandparents did too. In all I had 4 sets of grandparents and my mom and dad's places growing up. It can be a bit too much for me and lead me to want to drink. We do 3 on Christmas day now. My grandparents house, Dad's house and Dave's parents. We kinda have it down now, the order and everyone knows when and where. Luckily they are about 45 minutes away from one. I don't get to see my mom on Christmas much the past 14 years. I wish she was here so much. If you are rich and have money you can fly my mom up here and I would love you forever. (neither us can afford it)
What are your Thanksgiving plans? What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?
I like everyone being there all at once and talking. As I said I don't like any of the food. Dave usually cuts me off a few pieces of the whitest turkey he can find and I spread things around on my plate because at 31 they still harass me about my eating habits.
My husband and I are going to do the multiple Thanksgiving thing...we will go to my parents for lunch and his mom's for dinner. I love both their cooking sooo much but I am going to try and really moderate my food intake so I am not in a food coma. Plus, my husband desperately wants the Best Buy Playstation 3 deal for Christmas (it comes with 2 games for free) so we are probably going to be camping out at Best Buy and I really don't want a tummyache for all that. :)
The night before Thanksgiving my aunt has a sleepover - usually it ends up being mostly my cousins with a couple aunts and uncles. We eat crap and play games and whoever wins the most games gets to get the "top turkey" crown for that year. It's cheesy and SOO fun. Then on Thanksgiving day we wake up and eat lunch together, then my parents, brothers, and I are going to my cousin's house (other side of the family) for that party. Hopefully I will stop at home in between parties to change from pajamas to real clothes ;-)
Oh - and my favorite part about Thanksgiving is when all my aunts and female cousins come to the party hours before husbands and sons do, and we all cook together. Making bourbon pecan pies is probably my favorite, because we all take a drink from the bottle after we've used everything we need for the pies ;-)
I'm not big on any super traditional holiday, but my family tends to eat paella or crab cakes or standing rib roast for Thanksgiving so I guess I shouldn't complain!
and you always do stereotypical things. Turkey on Thanksgiving, Ham on Christmas.
Then my mom we used to go to Key West or order Chinese food for Thanksgiving. She is impatient and presents get open early and she usually tells you what it is before you even open it.
Dave's family will make WHATEVER you want (literally one Christmas we all picked two things and we ended up with summer sausage, croissants, french fries, Chinese food, shrimp...) They also aren't big on the day they will "do Christmas" the day before or after or whenever.
The girls have their own blog but I am not good at updating it. ahem. I mean they aren't good at updating it.
I think I read somewhere that there's a new insulin option for cats that is a pill, so that might be an easy option. Good luck - sounds like you have your hands full!
I'm spending my second Thanksgiving in a row in NYC with my "family" of friends. I hosted last year, but someone else in my group of friends took the reigns, so all I have to do is bring a side, which is great!