zzzzzzzz what?

Been staying up way to late just so I can see my husband when he gets home. It makes for a sleepy hillary. Sleepy hillary looks silly in all her poses. So this candid while dave plays with camera settings is pretty accurate. Oh and it is pouring out.
Cords SJP for Steve and Barrys
Little amazing coat Gap
Turtleneck H&M
Pin from Hillary Clintons website
Earrings Heidi Klum
Hair stick Limited
Clogs Troentorp they are wood sole with steel toes
I got my hair caught in my umbrella on my way to work. So it doesn't look this this anymore. I think it looks a little better now actually.
I feel like I have an inner struggle between killer heels and ugly ass clogs. Clogs I don't know what it is I love them. I love these so much. My friend Erica had a pair and I used to stare at them and once I tried them on when she wasn't looking. I told her though. I can't keep little secrets. The cuff is coming apart though. I wonder if a cobbler could fix that? They are pretty expensive so it would be worth it.
I wore similar look last year.
As you may of noticed I love stripes. Like LOVE them.
The shirt in last years look died but I plan to replace is because it was definitely the most worn item in my closet. I love how French is makes me feel. (I mean I am French but not the fun Parisian kind)
So that friend I am looking for? Well I think I might of. It is all about putting it out there. When I put things out there I almost always get something positive in return. I guess its a good reason to keep a blog. I found some photos of me and her.
In our school stadium with my gram.

At Epcot. Yes we are dressed alike. It was Valentines day and we were each others Valentine. That is my gram again.

At Devil's Millhopper. That's gram again. She came to visit for an entire month when I was in college. I have the best gram and pop in the world.

Today lets talk about social networking.
Do you Facebook, Myspace etc? Do you like it? What do you mostly use it for?
Well I deleted my Myspace. I still Facebook. I talk to my mom on there a lot. I only have friends on there that I actually known. I keep an eye on my little cousins( by little I mean 16, 18, 22, 26). (One hid most her profile. Little brat.)
I like Facebook. It is a nice way to stay connected to people you don't want to email or talk on the phone too. (I hate the phone)
I just have Facebook. I like it because it's easier to keep in touch with people that I don't often see otherwise - friends who've moved away, etc. Maybe it's laziness but I do think it helps me keep in touch with people I may have lost otherwise.
And I have Facebook, and LinkedIn, but I really don't like MySpace... I think the layout isn't user friendly and I like FB more anyways! Now I've discovered all kinds of games on it and I can't stop playing...
I use Facebook, but not as frequently as I did in college. I kind of keep up with people there but it feels weird having 15-year-olds on it too.
i like stripes on YOU but i'm pretty sure i don't own a single striped item! i used to have a green and white henley from vicky's that i loved but i felt kind of like a pirate in it. arrr!
So what year did you graduate? Do I want to know? Le supah sigh.
Thrifty that is a damn shame I think you need a striped shirt!
clare marianne kelly thanks!
I was on the Facebook wagon really early on, also. Hehe... the days when you had to verify your university email address and actually posted your class schedule! Hah! I stopped using it for a long time and used myspace... which I have a work account and a personal account. Neither get used any more. I like Facebook a lot better now. I've reconnected with SO many old friends and made some pretty new cool ones. I'm also a bit of a twittererer. :)
I never use my LinkedIn. I haven't figured out the point, yet.
I totally hate talking on the phone, too!! I wonder if that's a libra thing? lol
I facebook. Kind of a lot. I joined last year this time and think it's a pretty fun way to kid around with pals during the day - plus it provides nice and short mental breaks.
I still like the phone, though don't make nearly as many calls as 5 or 10 years ago.
I use to post a lot of pics there but then I stopped, i use that FB time to blog.
I use to post a lot of pics there but then I stopped, i use that FB time to blog.
I love clogs too. I have a Dansko pair that I love wearing for their comfort, but think they look silly with a lot of my outfits.