Peas and carrots

Shirt Ann Taylor Loft (it is VERY orange in person)
Jeans Express (Eva cut)
Sweater Target
Bag Gift
Earring Husband made
Boots Clarks I just got them back from the cobbler. I had them reheeled. I had worn through right to the wood.
This is one of the easiest hair dos ever. Make a pony tail. loosen it some. Make a little hole above the elastic and flip your hair into the hole. This look was made popular in 1990s by the famous commercial product Topsy Tail. My mom had already been doing my hair in a twist type pony tail but when it came out she bought me one. I was teased RELENTLESSLY by the asshole kids at my school. They were so mean that I have not done this hairdo in probably close to 16 + years. I am no longer traumatized. ha!
For makeup I put soft green over entire lid. I did a olive green on lid up to crease and I put forest or emerald green on top and lower lash line. I did a peach pink blush and pinky lip but all the lips are on my coffee cup right now.
Dave calls this outfit peas and carrots.
We have absolutely no plans for the weekend so far. Well I take that back. Tonight we are going to Sephora to take advantage of the Friends and Family sale. I am still debating if I want to just stock up on things I like or use this as my chance to try things I wanted to try. I can't really afford to do both. I like to preshop online so I know what I am looking for. If I don't I walk in there and get all disorientated and Dave has to shuffle me around. He calls it a girl's hardware store.
I have a review coming up for later today. I just want to make it it's own post.
What are your plans for the weekend?
Edited to add
What are your thoughts on fake fur coats?
I have one Dave's grandmother gave me before she died. I put it away in a closet at my inlaws thinking I would never wear it. But now I kinda want to. My problem is I don't want people to think it is real. I know I shouldn't care what people think but on the topic of animals I seem to care.
Girl's Hardware Store! Hilarious! I have to tell my dad that one because I have a tall rolly storage thing that I keep 'personal products' such as makeup in and he calls it my Black&Decker Beauty Kit!
Fake fur - I can't wear it. I've tried but I'm allergic. I get hives and headaches. Can't wear those cute little Santa hats either. I'm not against real fur but I don't really think I'd buy new - more likely vintage. My thought processes are mixed about it. I don't really want to contribute to fur coat production but if it was already made and would go to waste otherwise such as a perfectly good vintage coat going in the garbage...
I fear it will make me look fat.
Shallow as hell I know but it is true.
Also I don't want people to think I am wearing teddy bears or anything.
Weekend plans for me include a Fall Festival at the kids school, running errands in the rain, have a big sleep over at my house and hopefully a whole bunch of nothing on Sunday but I know that won't be the case.
This weekend is BF's birthday so we have a lot to do...tonight we are seeing Where the Wild Things Are and maybe going out to dinner, tomorrow we are going shopping for halloween costumes, going to Roly Poly for lunch, and bar hopping at night with some friends who are coming in town to help celebrate. Sunday will probably be pancakes and Nintendo if I have any say in it :)
It looks cute too!
Wear the coat. You know it's not real and they are pretty timeless. If you're worried about appearing a little 'poofy', you can try wear sleek clothing underneath.
PLay around, I bet you'll figure something out that we'll all swoon over!
BTW i like that flower hair pin...
I would wear the coat, i think in this time and age its about what feels right and if you like it and you rather wear it than anything animal related, go for it.
In regards to this weekend, well since i am off ! yay! i will hopefully get to see a little more of Argentina.
As far as the coat I say go for it. I have a faux fur coat that I made and everyone just assumes it's fake, I've never have anyone ask if it's real. Plus, I feel like they make you look instantly glamorous!
BUT this same day I got a fake fur stole at H&M that is kinda perfect and just enough without being too much. I feel like Daisy Adair(sp) from Dead Like Me in it. I hid it in my sock drawer so the girls didn't shred it.
I predict lots of outfits like this come winter. I am just not loving tights this year. SO UNCOMFY.