Missing one dear friend.

Cardi Target
Shirt Target
Denim flare trousers Gap
Shoes Naughty Monkey DSW
Necklace Gift
Earrings bought in Mexico
For makeup I did a bronzey eye with purple liner under top lid and on top lash line very close to lash line.
You can see the fit of the pants better here
Ok so this is kinda a big question. I have a missing friend. Well not missing missing but I don't know where she is. She got married and moved away and changed her number. (ugh I know. LONG STORY) I miss her SO MUCH. I haven't talked to her in 8 years (Nov 2001 was the last time) She is and was very important to me. She was actually my freshman roommate in college and she became family. My whole family still asks about her. I have looked online for her and found one lead but it didn't pan out. Now I am wondering if I should post her name on here so if she googles herself maybe she will find this?? She means so much to me and I have been looking for her for years. Hell I almost put Veronica Mars on the case.
What do you think? Do you have any suggestions for finding her?
I tried all the biggies, myspace, facebook, friendster, google, white pages, yellow pages, googling all incarnations of her name. Literally FOR YEARS.
Good luck in finding your friend - if she was your college roomie, maybe your alumni association might have her current info? Not that everyone keeps those up to date, but you never know.
Love that necklace ;)
I went through a similar thing with 2 college friends. They turned up on facebook within weeks of each other. There is hope!
I almost bught that cardi today but at the last minute I thought the print was too bold. But seeing it on you, I see that I made the wrong decision. argh.
on finding ur friend i can suggest looking for her through her husband's last name or maybe writing her parents?
my mom and I LOVE public records. We sit there for hours looking up what people we know paid for their house, who we grew up with has criminal records etc! Ha!
ooohhh and i love Naughty Monkey shoes!