Weekend Roundup

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Well apparently I had a very anti-pants week. Mostly because it has been that odd not summer but not fall weather. Also I dislike how I look in most my pants.
My personal favorite of the week didn't receive much love in terms of remix but you know you can't win them all. I really wish I had read the package of the tights on Friday because I felt like a hot mess when I got to work and realized my tights were in fact Navy and not Black. I had a rough week sleeping wise too. My kitten is teething and she likes to teethe on me in my sleep. So lots of braid and pony combos (seriously its the fastest hair style ever. A regular pony takes me longer because I redo no less than 8 times trying to smooth it)
I have a Saturday photo as well but my camera is in my car. My car is a few blocks from my apt so I need to swing by before I can even take Monday's pictures.
I hope you get some sleep this week - I know I have been the same but for different reasons.