Honest Scrap Award

Lorena of My Every Day Wear was so kind to give me the Honest Scrap Award. With this award it is asked I tell you 10 honest things about myself.
1. I don't cut my own meat.
2. I don't use alarm clocks. I had to briefly from July 1997- Feb 1999 but not before or sense.
3. I use my mouse left handed.
4. I have a hard time letting things go. (getting MUCH better)
5. My mother and I didn't get along for say oh 28 years but now she gets me better than anyone and she is the only person I want to call when I am sad.
6. I have two dads. I am lucky and had two opposite male role models.
7. My grandparents had a VERY big part in my upbringing and because of that we are closer than most people and their grandparents.
8. When I was 16 my mom, dad and grandparents chipped in and I got to go on a school trip to England, France, Switzerland and Germany. The trade off was I had to take AP European History and join Key Club and Model UN.
9. I don't think I want to return to grad school. I still haven't actually told them either. (the school)
10. My mom and I used to "make our own groceries"(its a book) dandelion wine, Ketchup, BBQ Sauce. We'd make anything we wanted at that moment.
Thank you again Lorena I really appreciate it.
I have this HORRIFIC gag reflex and once it starts I have a hard time stopping. So childish but its just what I have known and am comfortable with. I didn't even realize people thought anything of it until recently somsone ate dinner with us and notices.
You know I have a "thing" with meat/chicken too... I can´t eat anything that I see a bone on.... my H has to take it out for me :)
People look at me funny but I have to accept that once they know they try to "comply" with my requests...