Daft punk is playing at my library, my library

Corduroy BROWN (don't invite me to a black dress group) Ann Taylor loft. It has a ruffle down front. I added old pic so you can see it better
Necklace Banana Republic
Shoes Gap
Hoodie Target in LA (I got to LA and shop in target and call it my souvenir) I like how its longer than normal ones. I have a long torso and they are always too short on me.
Earrings Avon
I always get so frustrated on rainy days if I spent time flat ironing my hair and I am not really a ponytail person. I obsess over how smooth it is. I can't do that "messy" pony. I try but my OCD kicks in and I redo it 48392439 times during the day. So instead I went for what Megan calls a "overly complicated look" which was just two french braids, one on either side of my head and then a small braid that I wrapped around my hair tie. Taking a picture of the back of your head is HARD. I set the camera focused on what I thought would be my head and set the timer. I got in front of it and took my three shots. Some in focus some not. Its so much easier if you have a stand in to set the focus on.
I spent hours online last night looking at makeup videos by this girl Risa. She said she matches her makeup to her clothes. I usually do makeup first but today I had a plan so I did all soft browns and peaches to match.
I used a champagne on entire lid up to brow then peach on just lid, then brown in corner and under my eye. Then I took a brown liner and shoved it up under my top lashes (think almost touching your eye) I learned that trick from Kevin Aucoin (did anyone else love him as much as I did? He got me into makeup) Then a peach blush and peach nonshimmer gloss.
I don't think of myself as short. I am the "average American height" but the last photo I included made me think otherwise for a moment. I know its just angle but its funny.
What do I want to know today? Hrm.
What would you like to see more of here? I have been meaning to ask this but I didn't know if I wanted to know the answer. :P
What I'd want to see more of:
Shopping tips
Tutorials on how you do your make up
I, personally, would like to see more tap dancing. :)
2. Those flats are fantastic
3. The length of your hoodie made me take a double-take - a good thing!
4. Your hair is so full and luscious. I want it. My hair is so fine and puny.
It was simple
pin bangs out of way.
braid right side
braid left side
undo half of right side and redo
drop brush on cat
put rest in pony
take cat off sink
braid tiny piece on underside and wrap around pony
get barrette out of cats mouth and pin braid under pony
spray the crap out of it with touchable hairspray
French braiding is VERY simple. There are videos on youtube. If you know how to braid you can french braid.
I could not do my hair like you if I had an entire hour...