
(first birthday, 30 years ago. gah. But look at how young mumsy was there!)
Ok I can OFFICIALLY say my birthday is in "less than 2 weeks". Hope you planned ahead. (I am looking at you mister. The mail takes awhile.)
Turning 31 is a little more urpy that 30.
I now say such things as "Pull up your pants" "Turn down that music" "Those aren't technically pants" and I am compelled to watch 30-something to see if I relate.
I carry my "get off my lawn" to committee meetings.
When buying concert tickets I assess how late it will let out and if its past my bedtime.
and I tsk. I TSK. often.
I shake my head in disapproval at young kids on the T acting up. I look for other old people and give them that knowing nod.


Anonymous said…
Is that an old skool High Life in front of you? SWEEEEEEEEET!
Franca said…
Ooohh, you are so cute! and you can tell your mum's your mum!
Lorena said…
Ha! I do that too.
I look at people my age and wonder...
I also hear myself speak and say that "when I was younger, we did not ...like they do now "
I complain a lot, I hate the bars staying up late and preventing me to get sleep... If I am like this right now, I will be a total hag by 60.
Anonymous said…
I'm an avid reader of your blog and have been meaning to leave you a little comment for a while now....today's the day I do it yay! My birthday is in 6 days, the countdown is well and truly on! :)


Anonymous said…
I'm an avid reader of your blog and have been meaning to leave you a little comment for a while now....today's the day I do it yay! My birthday is in 6 days, the countdown is well and truly on! :)


Lisa said…
I say turn down that music, pull up those pants, and where is your shirt quite often as well. I don't take it as a sign of aging, but a sign of caring for the future generations . . . and your rent is cheap for downtown Boston! Hence the shittiness/smallness I suppose.
hillary said…
Lisa it is NOT cheap. My apt is rundown and 300 SQ FT! its not shitty its OLD.
Kelly said…
ahahahahah I think you are an awesome 30. You bring style to those get off my lawn meetings.
Anonymous said…
I embrace my white trashiness. I was raised in a mobile home! :)
hillary said…
I had unwed parents who were teenagers! I am glad they were though. My parents are only 50 and 51!
I tease about it but I am proud of my blue collar background. While we may not of had a lot we didn't have debt and we owned everything we had.
Anonymous said…
Hey me too! Ok, well........my parents were the classic scenario. My 17 year old mother hid her pregnancy for 6 months or so and when she finally told my grandparents, their reply was "And when's the wedding?" SHOTGUN!!!!!!!

My parents were married in April. I was born in June. Yee haw. :P

My dad was 21 when I was born, though. So lets see.........that makes my dad 54 and my mom is 51 I think. I'm bad at math.