hi ho hi ho its off to the dentist I go.

When we got outside today we realized neither of us had the camera. So you get iphone shots.
Shorty summer pants (yes they should be shorter. SHUT UP) they have a fun tie on the bum. Gap
Shoes Marc Jacobs
Necklace Marc Jacobs
Shirt Ann Taylor Loft (it has ruffles down front)
Lace Cami Banana Republic
Bangle H&M
Earrings Gift from husband
Necklace Elsa Tiffany Bean gift from husband.
Its a tish chilly (see not 90) and I have TWO dentist appointments today so I dressed for her insanely cold office.
Ok today I want to know who you are crushing on?
Who is your internet crush?
I don't necessarily even mean like "Oh I want to date this person" I mean girl crushes (or boy). People you just think are the cat's pajamas.
I have a few right now.
Keiko Lynn
Just look at her blog for 30 seconds and you will see why. I also love that she says she is awkward in life and not the most popular. I like to think I identify with her that. (Or I like to fool myself cause come on look at her she is GORGEOUS)
Andrea of A cat of impossible colour.
She just has this insanely covetable sense of retro style. I look at her blog and wish we could trade closets and that I was HER.
Elsita of The Hidden Seed
I spoke about her a little last week. She IS glamourous. Her photos are perfect, she has a beautiful smile and her clothes?? OH MY!!
I'll admit to crushing on Elsita, too. What a knockout.
I want to be her friend and go out and buy stuff in all those wonderful second hand stores she speaks of, I want her to tell me I can pick anything out from her closet... ok this is getting weird !
Ha! the problem is that to do this I would have to move to another continent and probably be 10 years younger.
There are more...
Honorable Mention: Julie Mack at Rotten Cupcakes, Jessica Wilson a.k.a. Jek at Scrumdilly, Ambika at (Into) the Fray and puglyfeet.blog.com... and, of course, by Hillary & The Girls!
My internet crush has been Wendy McClure for a long time. She writes over at poundy.com.
But she's from Chicago and she GOES TO MY GYM and I've seen her at readings but I can never get up the nerve to talk to her!
I have so many Internet crushes that it would take hours to list them all. I was lucky enough to meet Fleur from Diary of a Vintage Girl while I was in London, and I was starstruck. :)
A xx
You commented half a dozen times that's how I found you! I changed the look recently and it is about to go through a big overhaul tonight!