As my birthday approaches.

So my birthday is quickly approaching. My 9th annual 23rd. I have never been the kind of person to directly ask for things. (Well except that cash register from my parents) I like to drop hints or show things and hope the person realizes OH SHE'D LIKE THAT AS A PRESENTS. This has backfired on me so many times. This year we are doing it differently. No hints. Be direct. I WISH FOR THESE ITEMS.

I have changed a lot in my thinking the past few years. I realized:
If I don't ask for it I probably will never get it.
People aren't mind readers.
Returning presents SUCKS.

I also see people who ask for things, getting them. So I shall put it out to the cosmos some things. I am digging this year.

Yes some of them are ridiculous and no one will buy it for me but it can't hurt to list it.

This insane bag by Marc Jacobs
A box of petit fours.
A stack of these rings in either red, pink, black, white or clear
A print from this girl. I link to this one but I love so many I couldn't pick. My bedroom is an over abundance of white with brown and pink.
The Audrey Hepburn bio I found at Urban but can't seem to find for the life of me. It was big and full of pictures and handwriting and it was just beautiful
Gentleman Junky the out of print bio of William S Burrough
The Roald Dahl Omnibus
More MAC stuff! More pink lipglosses, green eyeshadows and a peach blush. I have a database of what I own if you are curious.
Plane tickets to Paris (2). To know me is to know this is my ultimate desire.

I shall add to it as I remember where I saved it all.
I could lie and say "I don't need material posessions I am above it all." But I would be lying to you. I LOVE presents. But to be honest a sheet of stickers and a chapstick and I will love you for life.


mamichan saidā€¦
i want some of that stuff too! my bday falls on a holiday this yr.
hillary saidā€¦
I have been with Dave 13 years. He is amazing at getting gifts. He keeps email folders of things i show him. He gets me things I don't even remember telling him. Last night he took me by mac because he remembered me saying I was out of mascara.
BAM saidā€¦
I asked for a new waterproof watch this year...didn't get it, but did get new dining room table & chairs! yippee.

I don't usually get big presents from my hubby. I've recieved dishclothes in the past, so furniture was awesome even if it's a tad responsible.

My sister makes aprons, which she shows me, but still hasn't sent me one yet, so that was my request from her. She sent me a photo of "my" apron yesterday.

Lorena saidā€¦
Been there... my wedding anniversary is coming up next week and I have been telling him directly what I want.
First I showed a newspaper clipping, then a magazine ad and then told him where to buy it and how much it was.
He always gets me nice things but, sometimes I want CERTAIN things... anyways i am still trying to figure out what to get him.
Heather saidā€¦
I love this post!! You are such a great person. I have a print by her for my kitchen and I love it!!
Heather saidā€¦
(btw - which day is your birthday?)
WickedThrifty saidā€¦
ooh we must be birthday twins! mine is sept 1 and also my 9th annual (or maybe 8th?) 23rd. (i can't do math)
hillary saidā€¦
thrifty. Nope I am a Libra and it appears you are a Virgo. 9th annual 23rd is 31st bday. (count them off. It seems weird but its right)

TO all that asked My birthday is October 6th I posted it with a month lead time so I don't hear (I didn't have time if only I knew sooner) :P
Anna Searcy saidā€¦
What a fantastic list!
Have you ever been to Paris?

I haven't and I constantly tell nick it's THE thing missing in my life. I attempted to go twice from other places in Europe, but both times there were transportation strikes and we couln't get into the city (affordably- I was in college at the time).
hillary saidā€¦
I did go once. As part of an insane school trip. The city was on strike though so other than the opera house and eifel tower we weren't able to go anywhere else as it was all closed.
WickedThrifty saidā€¦
ok so i'm a whole month and 8 days older than you :D