Tuesday now with more gloom!

I can't decide between the above two photos as my main pic.

Silk dress Banana Republic. This is the best $28 I ever spent. I wear it ALL the time and its 100% silk.
Shoes Gift from my mom
3 gold necklaces Mark by Avon
Earrings Sowa market Sundays
Big black ring Marc Jacobs
Bumpit Sally beauty supply
Perfume J.Low glow knockoff oil. Smells wonderful
Eyemakeup MAC shadows in Beautiful Iris and Crystal
Stila lips in Gumdrop
It has rained so long I feel like I have become part vampire and if the sun were to actually come out I would either start hissing or sparkling.
Nothing too exciting going on with us. Dave has a really big test tomorrow. It is a really big deal and cost a ton of money and is insanely hard. So please wish him luck. I know he will do great but it can't hurt to ask for crossed fingers! And as of tomorrow evening I have my husband all to myself until September!!!! I haven't had him to myself since last September. Going to school full time and typically putting in over 40 hours makes for no life!
Two more years!! Le sigh.

So what are you guys up to on this gloomy Tuesday?


Anonymous said…
Love those neon toes! Best of luck to Dave ... I'll send all available good vibes his way.
Katie said…
like it! The pinks on the feetsies is great.

On this gloomy Tuesday, it's more humid. I still don't have a working car (day 3) so I am busing it. Missed the bus that gets me to the transfer so I get to work at 8:45, and instead sat at the transfer point for 20 minutes (4/5 of my normal car commute) and got to work at 9:10. I have since gone diligently through the bus schedules and come up with the times that I need to be at the bus stop for going home and coming to work so I don't end up at a transfer point for 20 minutes anymore.

Oh, and I'm working. Had to figure out a work-around for a weird bug that has been driving me bonkers. Because of this, I've decided against my lunchtime run and am going to do it when I get home.

The kitties are getting along now and Skitty has even been spotted grooming Myks.

Sorry for the commentareah.