Cold one yet again.

Gap wide leg trousers
Kohls Vera Wang brown leather sandals
Shell Banana Republic
Sweater Target
Flower H&M
Earrings Avon
I really liked this pose with this treatment. I am aware I overuse it but its only because I love it. I can quit anytime. Really I can. (Ok maybe not)

We have had cold rainy weather for months at this point with a random sprinkling of a warm day once a week at most. The first full year we were back here (2003) it was cold well into June like this and I was working at music school at the time and we joked I was going to start of band called. "Seven Months of Winter" (I trademarked, copyrighted that crap just try and steal it I dare you! :P)
I am ready to wear my frilly skirts and dresses that just aren't warm enough for right now. I want the warmth to show up so I can hurry up and start complaining how hot I am. I had this very strange inkling to chop my hair in my staff meeting today. They were talking about fiscal goals and matrixi (reh) and all I could think about is getting a bob. (again) and I spent all this time growing it out only to cut it again? (for what my 25th bob? literally) Its at that awkward length that it just doesn't lay nicely in MY opinion. I need it to hurry up and grow longer before I get so fed up of seeing it like this and cutting. (which I will regret. I always do) It grow so darn slow. Most people grow 1/2 sometimes more a month! Mine is 3 inches a year IF I AM LUCKY.
What do you do when you have a strong urge to drastically change your appearance? (I blame the 9 episodes of Nip/Tuck I watches yesterday. )
For what it's worth, I think your hair looks LOVELY at this length.
I really liked the boat shirt and skirt set for me! But anyways, this is about you.... so I say that shorts outfit is a complete winner!