Things I love Thursday!

Lomo and Crossprocessing action scripts in Photoshop! I am completely addicted to doing it to almost any photo.
How grey and black look together.
Long weekend trips!
Disney World!
5 inch wedges (my feet touch the floor in my desk chair in them!)
Pens from Japan. I can't even tell you how precise they write. You can write a story on a matchbox with them.
Twitter. I am hopelessly addicted.
Colored paperclip.
Leaving hello kitty stickers where ever I go.
So I ask loves what do you love today??
The smell of lilacs in full bloom on a humid day
A fresh made bed
Milk glass in all its shapes and forms
The hum of my sewing machine
rickrack in every shade of the rainbow
It's rainy and humid today, but it feels like a GREAT thursday! Thank you Miss M.!
spring misty rain
arriving an hour late at work for the heck of it
Thursdays are great!
I love my crafting idea. But right now I hate my sewing machine because the underneath thread won't catch so I can't sew!
I'm @stylesymmetry.