Thursday I won't even start

This outfit is VERY loosely inspired by Audrey Hepburn in the movie Breakfast at Tiffanys. The hair and the trench mostly. The rest is ummm me modernizing it. Yeah that's the ticket.
I couldn't for the LIFE OF ME find a good picture of her hair in the last scene. Well also in the knitting scene its like that.

Trench some store I found last night called Bobbles and Lace $20 its pretty heavy too. I folder over the placket and buttoned it on the buttons for the other side. I thought it opened it up more.
Jeans Gap
Sandals Vera for Kohls
Shirt Target It has a lot of detailing. See below for it.
Tank Old Navy
Glasses Newbury Comics (I know right?)
Earrings Heidi for QVC
Necklace Tiffanys
Bracelet Celiac Conference in Arizona
Watch Kenneth Cole

It was like the damn circus was in town when we went out this morning to take pics. Ok wait the circus is actually in town so umm yeah I dunno STARING people everywhere.
Yes I know my bumpit is showing a bit in the hair detail. I fixed it after that. It was cause my ponies were too tight and pulling it down.
I have gone to the gym twice this week. In my mind that's a lot considering I used to not go at all. But then I ate about 2 munchkins too many this morning and am feeling a bit gross and think I should go today after all. I am trying to break that bubble. I have gained 4 since starting 3 weeks ago. I know it will level out and I will start to lose but damn if it doesn't make it want to stop going. Hey I was maintaining without going... see the logic here?
So my question to you is. If you go to the gym typically how many times a week and in what do you do while there?
On a typical week I go two to three times for the same amount.
I alternate between the elliptical (about 3mi at 61rpm) and weight training machines (20 reps between five machines). I find alternating between weights and cardio really helps me with reducing sore muscles.
Wow I have never talked about exercising before. Probably because I've never done it.
I do 25 minutes of a fast walk (~4mph) on the treadmill. I absolutely hate running.
Then I do the shoulders machines. I am exercising because I dislocated my shoulder years ago, and keeping them strong lets me sleep at night. So I target my shoulders because sleep is important to me.
I finish with a leg press, but only flex my calves. My legs are plenty strong just from carrying my whale-like size, but I like to see how much I can "toe press". I'm up to 340Lbs, and my calves are ripped.
It's not much exercise, but more than I've done since my motorcycle accident. I think I should see SOME results, but have seen none. As a result, it is much more appealing to just sleep in rather than work out for no apparent benefit. (Then I remember my shoulders, and I keep going.)
As an aside, my legs and arms and shoulders get exercise when I ride my motorcycle. It is 880Lbs, not including Jamie. Now I can even back it up slight hills with Jamie aboard because I have gotten stronger.
I do two leg things one you squeeze the things in and one where you squeeze them out. I do the leg press with your feet on a big board. I do the shoulder thing that you push it up its like an x over your head. I started doing this one where your seated and have pads on your top of your check and one on your stomach and you bend over. I also do the gravitron which is pull ups and chin ups and the one where you stand on a pad and have weights on your shoulders and you lift up your feet.
OK so I do a lot more than I thought I did.
I do elliptical for 13 min cause at that point my knees completely give out and usually move to bike. The other half the time I walk very fast on treadmill. But I do cardio and weight everytime.
So last week I started going again and it feels really good. I love feeling strong. It's the best feeling in the world. But these 5 o'clock mornings to racewalk with H are killing me. I hate mornings.
as for gym - during my good times i go 3-4 times a week. but these days i've only been making it 2 times a week.
when i go, i usually make the most of being there. the hardest part for me is actually making myself go, so when i'm there i stay for a while. 2 to 2.5 hours at a time.
to start with i do my hardest bit of cardio first - usually jog a mile or so on the treadmill and then finish up the hour either walking fast or walking moderately on an incline as high as i can take it.
after that i do either arms or legs on the machines and free weights for about 30 mins. then the next 30 mins i spend on abs, waist, and stretching.
if i still feel up for it after that i'll do another 30 mins on either the elliptical or bikes.
my weight always shoots up when i'm heavily exercising, too. i guess it's normal - the whole muscle over fat thing, but it's hard to not let it get to your head when you've been fighting the scale your whole life. even when you've gotten over a lot of those issues, it can still shake you up a bit. but logically i know it's worth it and i know exercising is better than not exercising - not just for appearance, but for my heart and bones and everything else that goes bad in my crazy family! and plus i love that feeling of strength and accomplishment it gives me.
oh, thanks for all the info on the acer, too! i think as soon as i get the check from that wholesale order i'm gonna get me a pretty pink one :)
I don't go to lose weight, I just go for my health, if that makes any difference. If I was trying to lose pounds, I know I'd have to get a little more intensive!
That all being said, I haven't been in like 2 or 3 weeks. First I had an awful cold and there was no way I was going to exert myself, and now it's just too pretty to be inside!
The cardio is what I hate I like the weights. I ended up skipping today and going for a walk. I shouldn't say skipping it makes it sound like I had intended but I hadn't I just decided tomorrow.