One Month

Eep! One month from today I will be in sunny and warm Florida.
Wait, you say it will be sunny and warm here then?
Well who cares cause I get to see my mom for the first time in TWO YEARS!
and Dave and I are going to Disneyworld while we are there. My mom isn't going. When I asked her if she wanted to go I think her exact words were "That sounds like my own personal hell"
So yeah.
I already have my outfit picked out for Disney. I am not going to wear it til then. I also bought a fun hat because I burnt my scalp at Disneyland last year. We haven't been to Disneyworld in 8 years so I am pretty damn stoked. (Disneyland is the same but different)
We are only going for a long weekend because neither of us have vacation time but we wanted to do something fun between Dave finishing classes and turns in his portfolio and before he starts studying for the LEED exam he has to take in June.

Already wondering what to pack. I know I lived there for 9 years but I blocked the weather out of my memory. (For good reason) I am taking clothes ON the plane this time. Last time I went to Florida it was Oct 06 and they lost my luggage and I was dressed for fall in New England and I get there and was way over dressed and had to wear my mom's clothes. I mean she dresses nice but its not my style. Odd that her clothes fit me at all. She is tall and thin and not so curvy and I am short and curvy.

Things I am not looking forward to: the heat and my mom's 6 dogs. I am already thinking about talking to my doctor about anxiety advice for that. I am not a dog person. I don't care how nice they are my heart races and I want to cry and scream. Just thinking about it has me upset. BREATHE.


Megan said…
1. It will be hot. Very hot.
2. Muggy, sticky hot.

I advise only thin breathable materials. Wish I oould seee you. L(
hillary said…
I was being witty. You never forget that heat.
becca said…
Had to laugh at this post. I'm from Orlando and my mother has 5 dogs. Are you sure you're not my sister?
hillary said…
Becca I'm not from Florida. I'm from nh and she didn't get her first dog til I ha been out of house oh 6 years. I never had a pet growing up. She is just nuttier as she gets older.