Monday.... le sigh

I feel like Zooey Deschanel here and that pleases me like you could never know. I ADORE her.
Shirt and Skirt Ann Taylor Loft for wicked cheap (at different years shirt $6, skirt $14.99) Skirt has POCKETS see volume picture below. Its pleated all around.
Tights Target for $1
Shoes Vera for Kohls $22. I HAD to have them after seeing them on midwest jess, HAD to I tell you.
Belt H&M
Ring Marc Jacobs perfume. Gift from husband this weekend. It reminds me of the Avon perfume pins I had as a kid and loved more than anything at the time.

I am committing what I personally find to be a fashion faux pas. I am wearing a black belt and tights with brown shoes. I know lots of people see no problem with black and brown mingling. I personally don't like it. But you know what? I don't have a brown belt that worked with this (need to remedy that) and I REALLY wanted to wear the shoes. So the husband I decided if I told people they were so dark brown they were black then it would be ok in my mind (I am neurotic I know it, no shame here) I have no issue when others do it. Hey my style isn't everyone's style and vice versa. But I can tell I am becoming more daring to break out of my own rules.
Oh and ps today I am 5' 8" ahahaaaa the powerrrrrrrrr!
My coworkers and boss's boss asked how long til I hurt myself on my shoes my reply "The jury is till out on that"
I don't think the tights will last long today. It is already getting pretty warm out. My guess is by lunch time they are gone. I have become a huge fan of orange this past year. I always thought it was a color I couldn't pull off. (naturally have auburn hair and that mind set still) But I think orange and I get along quite nicely. Its nice too because at least at my work its not a color you see often. I hope this week goes by fast. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 90 degrees. A whole 40 degrees or so higher than our normal. I am still debating on what to wear because 90 is HOT.
You would and I would be eye to eye today, if I wore flats.