I don't have many photos from 2006. There is a reason for that.
I have changed a lot these past 3 years.
I am more mature.
I am more realistic.
I am more practical. (Always was but more so)
I don't let things get to me as much as they used to.
I am thinner.
I am more accepting of my body.
I have take active steps to shape myself up inside and out.
That said...
Just when I am actually ok with myself someone chooses that exact moment to make me feel like shit about myself. I guess everyone needs a reality check time and again. But it does make you think. Am I wrong in my thoughts? Are others more accurate? Am I fooling myself?
I don't know the answer but I have a lot to think about and I am actively trying to lose weight and tone myself. I have set some goal for myself and dates. I think if I say it out loud I will feel more accountable. Which is kinda how I work. If others know then I am more likely to do it cause then I would be letting others down in my word.
So there is that. :)
You should, obviously, do whatever is going to make your body healthiest and most beautiful to YOU, but, for the record, I'm a newcomer and I think you're a knockout as-is.
Yeah sometimes people like to be mean. I am MUCH more thick skinned than I used to be let me tell you that!
I need to become stronger, physically. I am healthy weight but I am a weakling from years of avoiding the gym. YEARS.
I can't believe people would try to take that away from you and tear you down. All I can say is don't let it - they obviously are just trying to be a bully based on their own inadequate feelings they have about themself.
And oh yeah, let me at 'em!! Tuesday is just a good of a day as any for a bitch slappin'! :-)
You've come a long way baby!
You look so reserved and shy in the old picture, and it almost looks like your new picture is eyeballin' her! Love the ruffly shirt and the cute flippy hair!
Oh the nasty comments wasn't on my blog. I've never had any bad blog comments. It was from someone who knows me!