What I was wearing on Thursday

So you get the good with that bad. Had a BAD night. got very very sick off dinner. Migraine sick. Migraine so bad I couldn't blink sick. Wanted to crawl in a cave sick last night. So this morning I felt like a drunk waking up after a night of drinking. I couldn't wear the gorgeous dress I had picked. I knew I wouldn't appreciate it in its magnificent glory. SO I thought I would try a mimi outfit. i didn't do it right. she wear voluminous tops and bottoms and looks chic despite not being the tallest girl ever. (I can say that we are about same I believe) I realized once I got to work the trick she does is voluminous skirt with volume tops NOT PANTS. That way she has her cute little legs to balance it out. I look like short and not so thin. Which is too bad cause separately these are 3 of my fave items of clothing.
The shirt is sleeveless but I never wear it like that. The lace goes up and over the shoulder and makes a bib like Nikki would have on. Target
Swing pleated coat H&M
Pleated denim trousers H&M
Zebra flats Target
As bad as I felt and as soft of makeup I wore I still manged to slap on liquid eyeliner. I impress myself once in awhile.