REVIEW Carmindy's foundation and Rimmel blush
I am going to review two products in one post this time.
Both these products can be bought at your local drugstore, Target or Wal-Mart. Drugstore products are always so tricky because you can't test them out ahead of time. Its all a big guessing game.
I am new to this whole thing so I don't have a process down or a nice picture spot so please be patient.
First up Sally Hansen's Natural Beauty Inspired by Carmindy Your Skin Makeup Foundation in Porcelain.

First impression. It appeared thick so that scared me a little. When I so use liquid foundation I usually like it to be on the thin side. I rubbed a little on my hand to try out the texture and I can only describe it as nice and velvety. Its a pretty perfect match to my skin too. (Keep in mind my hand and your hand probably is NOT the same color as your face.)

So this picture is a bit scary so I broke it up below it so it is a bit easier to look and and not go OMG WHAT IS GOING ON.
Carmindy on What Not to Wear is always telling people to to best enhance their features they should "even out your skin" so it gives you a palette to enhance your features. (You know so it won't distract) It gave me good coverage and really evened out my redness. I have mild roseacea and very sensitive skin that turns red and rashes easily.It didn't cake up or make weird spots like some foundations do. You could still see my freckles and moles which is a requirement for me. If you can't see them I tend to look ill and people notice every time. "are you feeling ok" "yeah I just put too much make up on" I applied it with a contoured makeup sponge which I would highly suggest. That or a brush which ever you prefer. It didn't feel heavy or greasy. Infact it was quite smooth. I tend to dislike many foundations as they feel "heavy" on my skin. At the end of the day I didn't look as greasy as I usually do and I didn't have the super makeup melt down. I tend to melt makeup off before 4:30pm everyday. It left me with a matte texture but not like a powder. It felt nice when I touched my face an hour later. Not sticky or slimy or oily like some makeup. My major complaint is the lack of SPF. If this had SPF in it I could see me using this daily.
I put the foundation on only half my face so you could see the coverage. While it looks pretty shocking it really isn't in person. Its very subtle but flash and bathroom lighting... well as I said patience. Oh and this is my eye makeup I wore today but that is for another day. :)

Without any foundation

With foundation (and blush reviewed below)

So as you see all in all its a nice foundation just maybe not the one for me as I require an SPF if its going to cover my face. (I honestly didn't notice it didn't when I bought it, I guess I thought it was a given in these days and times) It retailed for $12.99 at my CVS.
Next up Rimmel 8 hr Mousse Blush in Peach Ice Tea

I had been wanting to try a long lasting blush for awhile now. Blush is a must for me. The more the merrier I say. I tend to look sick without it. It was the first makeup product I ever used actually. I used to use my gram's terracotta in a little well terracotta pot with a weird poof. She would say "Go put some of my rouge on give you a healthy glow you look pale"
So first impression. When I opened it, it was this GORGEOUS color I can only describe as Nar's Orgasm blush. Its a peachy pink with gold shimmer.

It was the consistency of a watery lotion. I put it on my cheeks with my fingers. (as you always should with cream blush, your body heat warms it and helps it better "fuse" if you will to your face) I did a second application as it appeared too soft to me (but like I said the more is more to me) It was a beautiful soft glow of a color. But yet again not really a product for me. I had to put 3 applications on to satisfy my more more urge and it still wasn't quite that pinched cheek I like so much. But for people who are looking for the "natural look" its perfect and I say go and nab it before the industry people find it. (It really is VERY similar to Nar's I tell ya in color) It had good staying power. It was the same color when I got home as when I left in the morning.

This photo was taken about 15 minutes after application. I am also wearing the foundation in it. (along with concealor and brightener) This product retailed for $6.99 at my CVS.
Both these products can be bought at your local drugstore, Target or Wal-Mart. Drugstore products are always so tricky because you can't test them out ahead of time. Its all a big guessing game.
I am new to this whole thing so I don't have a process down or a nice picture spot so please be patient.
First up Sally Hansen's Natural Beauty Inspired by Carmindy Your Skin Makeup Foundation in Porcelain.

First impression. It appeared thick so that scared me a little. When I so use liquid foundation I usually like it to be on the thin side. I rubbed a little on my hand to try out the texture and I can only describe it as nice and velvety. Its a pretty perfect match to my skin too. (Keep in mind my hand and your hand probably is NOT the same color as your face.)

So this picture is a bit scary so I broke it up below it so it is a bit easier to look and and not go OMG WHAT IS GOING ON.
Carmindy on What Not to Wear is always telling people to to best enhance their features they should "even out your skin" so it gives you a palette to enhance your features. (You know so it won't distract) It gave me good coverage and really evened out my redness. I have mild roseacea and very sensitive skin that turns red and rashes easily.It didn't cake up or make weird spots like some foundations do. You could still see my freckles and moles which is a requirement for me. If you can't see them I tend to look ill and people notice every time. "are you feeling ok" "yeah I just put too much make up on" I applied it with a contoured makeup sponge which I would highly suggest. That or a brush which ever you prefer. It didn't feel heavy or greasy. Infact it was quite smooth. I tend to dislike many foundations as they feel "heavy" on my skin. At the end of the day I didn't look as greasy as I usually do and I didn't have the super makeup melt down. I tend to melt makeup off before 4:30pm everyday. It left me with a matte texture but not like a powder. It felt nice when I touched my face an hour later. Not sticky or slimy or oily like some makeup. My major complaint is the lack of SPF. If this had SPF in it I could see me using this daily.
I put the foundation on only half my face so you could see the coverage. While it looks pretty shocking it really isn't in person. Its very subtle but flash and bathroom lighting... well as I said patience. Oh and this is my eye makeup I wore today but that is for another day. :)

Without any foundation

With foundation (and blush reviewed below)

So as you see all in all its a nice foundation just maybe not the one for me as I require an SPF if its going to cover my face. (I honestly didn't notice it didn't when I bought it, I guess I thought it was a given in these days and times) It retailed for $12.99 at my CVS.
Next up Rimmel 8 hr Mousse Blush in Peach Ice Tea

I had been wanting to try a long lasting blush for awhile now. Blush is a must for me. The more the merrier I say. I tend to look sick without it. It was the first makeup product I ever used actually. I used to use my gram's terracotta in a little well terracotta pot with a weird poof. She would say "Go put some of my rouge on give you a healthy glow you look pale"
So first impression. When I opened it, it was this GORGEOUS color I can only describe as Nar's Orgasm blush. Its a peachy pink with gold shimmer.

It was the consistency of a watery lotion. I put it on my cheeks with my fingers. (as you always should with cream blush, your body heat warms it and helps it better "fuse" if you will to your face) I did a second application as it appeared too soft to me (but like I said the more is more to me) It was a beautiful soft glow of a color. But yet again not really a product for me. I had to put 3 applications on to satisfy my more more urge and it still wasn't quite that pinched cheek I like so much. But for people who are looking for the "natural look" its perfect and I say go and nab it before the industry people find it. (It really is VERY similar to Nar's I tell ya in color) It had good staying power. It was the same color when I got home as when I left in the morning.

This photo was taken about 15 minutes after application. I am also wearing the foundation in it. (along with concealor and brightener) This product retailed for $6.99 at my CVS.
As much as I do love my powdered foundation, I break out like a teenager every few months and need more coverage.
But they do have at least 6 colors I bet one would work great for you. This was one of the lightest they had.
I will have to see if I can get that Rimmel stuff here too. I do like a cream blush in the summer and I don't have an apricot-y one yet.