Product review Sally Hansen Color Quick Nail color pen

Sally Hansen Color Quick Fast Dry Nail Color Pen. I had been wanting to try this since it first came out. My aunt used to have things like this when I was a kid and she would keep it in her purse and when we would go out I would paint my baby cousin Tyler's nails to keep him quiet. (he is 5 years younger). So I had high hopes for this. I had not bought it because it retails for $8-9 dollars. The same price as an OPI polish. Today CVS was having a buy one get one free for all Sally Hansen products. Perfect! I got it in purple. So what you do is click the pen til polish appears on the brush. The brush in my opinion is a bit too big. It would be better a little smaller. The first coat went on thin but that is to be expected. It claims to dry fast, so I assumed I could start the second coat as soon as I finished the second hand like I can with OPI (which is not fast dry by the way). The second coat went on gloppy and uneven. It also kind of smeared it around and made thin spots. I learned this was remedied by clicking the pen a few more times so the brush was kind of to the point where it was going to drip.
It took 3 coats to get it nice and even. But it was so thick at this point that I had/have to wait for it to dry a lot longer than the "quick dry" claim. OPI would be dry by now. So my thoughts are save your $8 and buy OPI or Essie. What this would work good for is travel. I hate day 3 on a trip and my polish chips. So this would be a nice solution for touch up.
So pardon my hands in this picture. While I have 20 plus years polish experience I am still no master. I get the big mistakes with a q-tip dipped in polish remover. But what my big secret is that I paint my nails in the evening about 2 hours before I shower. When you have been in the shower for a few minutes and your skin is soft, delicately scrape the mistake off with your thumbnail. My mom taught me that trick many moons ago.

the color you chose, however, is excellent!