What I wore on Monday.

I call this upper east coast chic trying to French (France). Funnily much of the upper coast I am from is French myself included but French Canadian.
Boat shirt all the way from Canada from the lovely love a slug It has little buttons on the collar at the sleeves
Perry Ellis scarf gifted from the equally lovely Hermsprong
High waist jeans. I have 3 identical pairs of these. My mom has one too. They go against everything I believe
in. They are high waist and light both I usually avoid like the plague. But they are the perfect hitting waist and wide leg. Cramped on a stair you can't see that sadly(damn rain) but you may remember them from last year. oh from H&M I like them because I don't have hips at all. My body goes in where they should be. But I have big thighs bigger than my hips so low waisted pants don't stay up on me and look icky in my thighs.
Shoes Cole Haan
Belt H&M

Sunglasses Urban Outfitters. I put them on to be humorous like all those bloggers who always take pics in them but I ended up looking wicked snobby.
Watch Chanel knockoff from highgear a few years ago.
Earrings Heidi from qvc
Makeup. The detail lost it but I did something new for me. I did gold eyeshadow wet on top and bottom lash line and a dark peach blush (I am a pink girl usually)

Emily hit the nail on the head with my want to be all things Francoise Hardy
