I dare you

I am setting a personal challenge/dare to myself to take more creative pictures. I know I am capable. Since I dropped out of Grad School for photography I have let it fall off too much. I am not going to go too far and say daily or anything like that. I won't do it if I see it as a chore.
While I am at it. I dare you to do it as well. Put a costume on and take some fun shots! Share them too!
and thank you!
However, because I know you are inspired by icons and you do such a great job doing so, the book: Vanity Fair: The Portraits: A Century of Iconic Images is AMAZING. It's $40, so I've just thumbed through it at the borders near my work, but I thought about you when I was looking through it.
*I think I just convinced myself to by it for my own personal valentine's gift!