me want cookie

Is your child/sister a girl scout? Then why aren't you selling me cookies?!


Anonymous said…
My boss totally hit me up a couple of weeks ago for his daughter.
mamichan said…
I can order you some! My colleague has her daughter's at her desk right now. $3.50 a box, lemme know what you want :)
hillary said…
oh a samoa!! Can I paypal you?
Ally said…
Last year NONE of those little cookie peddlers came to the office and I complained to every mother I saw. This year, we've been slammed with Girl Scouts and I've ordered from them all. Samoas freeze nicely!!
mamichan said…
just one? i thought you might be getting lots like me! it's just a box so they are my gift to you.
hillary said…
oh you're a dear. Well being that its only me eating them (dave's celiac) and I have alarming self control it will probably last me two weeks! Thank you so much for doing that.
Katie said…
oh, someone left the sheet out for us to sign in the breakroom. I ordered 3 boxes of thin mints (my fave frozen only) and 1 box samoas/caramel delights
hillary said…
librarians tend to have cats over children is the issue here I think. When I was at Berklee my boss' kid was a girl scout and he would never let you pay! ahaaa
Anna Searcy said…
I love supporting Girl Scouts! Nick always orders tons and I hit up the kids in front of the grocery stores.

You know, I've been thinking lately about sponsoring a troop. Nick always does Little League coaching. I wonder if moms would think it's weird that a couple of ladies with no kids want to sponsors scouts?
hillary said…
Do it! I would do it in a heartbeat! I loved girl scouts so much as a kid. As a kid we were only allowed to presell cookies. I wonder when it changed (oh in the last 22 years)

ok feel old.
want cookie.
Anna Searcy said…
I wonder about the pre-selling, too. DO you think the parents buy tons and tons and then sell them to recoup the cost? Maybe that's why they are so pushy?!!!

I was a Brownie for like a second, but my mom suspiciously told me that they never called me back for official enrollment. I always blamed it on the fact that I was brown or not rich like the other girls in that particular troop, but I think now my mom just couldn't afford to take the time off to transport me?

I seriously think I'm going to do it!