I know why I stopped blogging

I know remember why I took a 6 month hiatus last year from blogging. It makes me so damn insecure. I am totally fine with who I am, what I do and say until I blog about it. Then I obsess. ESPECIALLY when I blog about something I think it great and NO ONE COMMENTS. blargh then I get all in a tizzy for more than the appropriate 5 minutes.


Anna Searcy said…
no don't be insecure! i love your tips!
Anonymous said…
Keep blogging! I know I don't comment as often as I should, but I am afraid you will think I am a total stalker if I comment on every post and flickr picture!
Anonymous said…
Haha!! I second what Kimberly said! You're the main reason I visit Flickr! The unfortunate thing about me is that I only have time to really read blogs on the weekend mornings. I need to subscribe to bloglines or something so that I can check in really fast to see who has updated.
I feel your pain about the commenting, though. I worked really hard on a long post last week for my blog, and I don't think anyone has commented yet! However, I blame myself b/c I go so long between posts and then I drop off peoples' radars.
Eyeliah said…
I know that feeling, it's the worst!! If we think positive, it's because we covered the topic SO WELL that no one had anything else too add (lol).