productive thursday
I was wicked productive yesterday. On my lunch break I headed over to Dorothy's Costume to see if they had any feathers or hair clips. They had peacock feathers 10 for $5 (they are 1.99 a piece at some places I went last night!) so I got them and some hair clips that were lucky for me mismarked! I got a giant box of them for $1.59 score! So you want to get some funny looks? Carry some 3 foot long peacock feathers down Mass ave in Boston in the middle of the day. geeshaloo.
So after work I hoped on the Red line out to Cambridge to Central sq to Pearl Art Supply and Artist Supply. When I got out of the T I saw a branch of my bank was still open for 5 more minutes so I ran in and cashed my birthday checks! score! My branch is only open the hours I am at work. jerks. So I went to Pearl and they have some feathers but still none that I was looking for. I got a few and some neat new super saturated dye to try and dye some clothes I have been wanting to dye and give a new life.
So I came back into Boston and got off at Downtown and went to Windsor Button looking for supplies. NADA but I figured while I was down there I would walk home the long way. Still carrying giant peacock feathers mind you.
I went into H&M and I wasn't going to but I though what the hey and I found my new favorite dress. Best part it was $24.99 and I spent some Birthday moola on it. I got a cute short sleeve turtle neck sweater as well to go with this skirt I bought 2 months ago and NOTHING goes with it. But the turtleneck was hanging next to the same skirt so I figured oooh perfect!
I stopped at McDonalds and got some food to go and headed on home. When I got home I had a mystery package. Mamichan from flickr had MADE ME a hand knit cowl in the most gorgeous teal color! ooh and Hello Kitty Tattoos! So awesome I felt super loved and special and made me realize I need to step up my game!

So I sat for all about 3 minutes and inhaled my food while trying to shoo the cat away for some reason she was all up in my piece really wanting that cheesebuger. Icanhazcheeseburger I guess?!!! (duh that sooo just dawned on me!)
I moved onto the bed room and tracked down all my silky and cotton scarves, ribbons and tie belts that come on clothes. I organized the scarves into boxes by color (I got the idea off another girls blog but if I don't say who I can pretend I am wicked clever) and I hung all my belts and ties on a hanger (my idea)

Then I got the hot glue gun out and attempted a peacock hair clip and a feather headband. The feather headband was eh but the peacock clip came out ugly and I didn't even take a picture. I really need to go to Michaels and get the ones I want but we don't have one in the city or on a T so I have to wait til we rent a car again as they don't sell online. (buggah)

I then packed my clothes as we are going away this weekend and we are taking a train and leaving right from work.
So that was about it for my night. busy busy and I didn't even GET home until 7pm.
OOH and I was feeling super crafty so I attempted a halloweeny design on my nails with a OPI kit my mom got me. Mine came out a hot mess. But it took so damn long I am leaving it for the weekend at least.

oooh and I made this image of greygoosie and piper on flickr. I couldn't resist she look really looks like she lives in kitty wonderland. I adore her and her kitty so much!
So after work I hoped on the Red line out to Cambridge to Central sq to Pearl Art Supply and Artist Supply. When I got out of the T I saw a branch of my bank was still open for 5 more minutes so I ran in and cashed my birthday checks! score! My branch is only open the hours I am at work. jerks. So I went to Pearl and they have some feathers but still none that I was looking for. I got a few and some neat new super saturated dye to try and dye some clothes I have been wanting to dye and give a new life.
So I came back into Boston and got off at Downtown and went to Windsor Button looking for supplies. NADA but I figured while I was down there I would walk home the long way. Still carrying giant peacock feathers mind you.
I went into H&M and I wasn't going to but I though what the hey and I found my new favorite dress. Best part it was $24.99 and I spent some Birthday moola on it. I got a cute short sleeve turtle neck sweater as well to go with this skirt I bought 2 months ago and NOTHING goes with it. But the turtleneck was hanging next to the same skirt so I figured oooh perfect!
I stopped at McDonalds and got some food to go and headed on home. When I got home I had a mystery package. Mamichan from flickr had MADE ME a hand knit cowl in the most gorgeous teal color! ooh and Hello Kitty Tattoos! So awesome I felt super loved and special and made me realize I need to step up my game!

So I sat for all about 3 minutes and inhaled my food while trying to shoo the cat away for some reason she was all up in my piece really wanting that cheesebuger. Icanhazcheeseburger I guess?!!! (duh that sooo just dawned on me!)
I moved onto the bed room and tracked down all my silky and cotton scarves, ribbons and tie belts that come on clothes. I organized the scarves into boxes by color (I got the idea off another girls blog but if I don't say who I can pretend I am wicked clever) and I hung all my belts and ties on a hanger (my idea)

Then I got the hot glue gun out and attempted a peacock hair clip and a feather headband. The feather headband was eh but the peacock clip came out ugly and I didn't even take a picture. I really need to go to Michaels and get the ones I want but we don't have one in the city or on a T so I have to wait til we rent a car again as they don't sell online. (buggah)

I then packed my clothes as we are going away this weekend and we are taking a train and leaving right from work.
So that was about it for my night. busy busy and I didn't even GET home until 7pm.
OOH and I was feeling super crafty so I attempted a halloweeny design on my nails with a OPI kit my mom got me. Mine came out a hot mess. But it took so damn long I am leaving it for the weekend at least.

oooh and I made this image of greygoosie and piper on flickr. I couldn't resist she look really looks like she lives in kitty wonderland. I adore her and her kitty so much!

Take the Orange line to Wellington...and less than 5 min walk to Michael's/Target/Old Navy shopping plaza