Pixi Eye Beauty Kit - Neutralizing Cover-Up Review

OK if you read my previous post you know I am plagued with acne, I also suffer from really dark under eye cricles. People on the internet are always saying what beautiful skin I have. HA its called photoshop and concealer! So I have been a Pixi fan for quite some time and was excited when Target was going to start carrying it. A few weeks back my husband and I were at Target and we split up so he could look at video games and me makeup. I took longer than him so he ended up coming to find me standing in front of the Pixi display.
"Find anything you want?" he asks.
"Of course but there is nothing I NEED" I reply.
"What are you looking at in particular maybe I can help validate it for you" he says.
I point to the Pixi cover up palette and give him a quick description about how it had 4 colors to neutralize different skin issue and 3 concealer colors and one finishing powder.
"oh you have a kit from them you love, don't you?" he says
"I do" I say
"Well I know you have concealer at home but do you have one that fits in your purse to take with you?" he asks (I love my husband)
"As a matter a fact I don't but this is awful spendy" I reply
"Yeah but look at all the colors if you bought one of each wouldn't it cost more? Now you can mix up your own" he says while grabbing the third one from the row (he knows me so well. I NEVER take the first one)
So I have been using it for a few weeks and I am in mad love with it. The green I use sparingly on breakouts to combat the red and the pink I use under my eyes and dab a little finishing powder on. My favorite part is that its very thin and fits in a purse or even a wallet and the mirror is big, not one of those dinky ones. It also have a double ended brush that works really well and is worth keeping, one end is for the color and the other is perfect to gently finish with powder to set it. (I usually throw them away and use my own fancy brushes) Perfect for the mid day touch up. Cause I don't know about others but by midday it looks like my makeup melted off.
Retail $28 at Target. Spendy but worth it.