50's gay architect

The other day I was reading Eden's tumblr and she said that she sums up her style as 50's gay architect. I honestly couldn't stop laughing cause I knew exactly what she meant. I know I have the tendencies as well.

Dave is my shopping buddy. I don't like shopping with anyone else as much as I like shopping with him. For a time he even worked in women's retail and was required to takes tests periodically on what details were called and what the current trends are. He was really good at it and raked in a good commission cause he has a great eye for details. He is a man though so sometimes he is a bit off mark (see tight and cleavage baring, sorry honey) But he was always fun to shop with even before his retail time. I think it helps that we have known each other since we were teenagers we grew together and he honestly likes just spending time with me no matter what it is. With him back in school we don't get to do any of that stuff from oooh September to mid May so this summer we reveled in it. Last summer we took another job/project that ate up literally all out free time and it was honestly a nightmare. Never again. He spent his few months off of school up to 2 in the morning working and it wasn't fun for anyone. anyways....

Last weekend I was trying on something at Target and when I came out of the dressing room he had this skirt in his hand he had picked it out of the clearance rack he was standing by and "its your size" (can I say I love he knows what size I wear??) So I instantly loved it and tried it on it fit and bought it. So he asked me a long time ago do I love things cause he picked them out or do I really honestly like them. I said I honestly like them but upon further reflection I think its hard to have one without the other. In all honesty I might not of picked this skirt up with its geometric pattern but since he did I love it, I really do. I feel a little 50's gay architect but an architect picked it out so it works. :P
Two words to explain me and dave organic and geometric.
Dave gravitates towards harsh precise lines and things with symmetry in neutral color or analogous colors.. I gravitate towards organic  shapes more complementary colors and even ones that clash in a beautiful way. Funnily though I am a very neat and organize person and dave is a very messy person with no rhyme or reason. Well maybe thats WHY we like that in objects its what we CAN control.

regardless... I love my skirt and thank you dave!

1 week until the BAC steals my husband away from me. :( I am NOT looking forward to it.


Anonymous said…
i read this post and fell in love all over again. thank you for being you and for being mine. sorry school is coming once again, and much too rapidly :(
i had a wonderful summer, i only wish it was infinity weeks longer
kendra said…
that's a very cute skirt. Chris likes to brag that he picks out all my best clothes. And while sometimes he's off the mark, more often than not he'll pick something out that I don't like, and he said "Try it on anyways" and I try it on and end up loving it! I'm actually wearing one of my favorite shirts right now, that fits that description... and come to think of it, the top in my facebook profile picture is my other favorite shirt that Chris picked out. Funny how husbands sometimes have the knack for doing that.